Thursday, August 26, 2010

You can't make this stuff up.....

I was looking out my window today at work and witnessed probably one of the strangest things yet. First, it should be noted that I look out my window at work a lot...longing to be outside playing. Second, it should be noted that our office/warehouse is located in a mixed residential/commercial area. All of the buildings on our side of the road are offices and warehouses. Everything directly across the street is residential. When I gaze out my window I look directly at a house, where I am not going to lie...I see some weird stuff.

I watched as the man that lives across the street tied an industrial sized chain to a light poll (telephone pole) beside his house. He then proceeded to attach the other end of that chain to the bumper of his truck. I kid you not when I say the man then climbed into the cab of his truck and GUNNED his engine, attempting (I assume) to rip his bumper clear off the back of his vehicle. This maneuver was tried over and over again. Each time I held my breath as I watched the light poll wobble and the bumper hold strong.

Finally he gave up and I breathed a sigh of relief. I watched as he removed the chain from both the poll and his bumper. I assumed my "show" was over and went back to work. Less than two minutes later (I obviously needed a break) he comes outside with a chainsaw. I honestly thought my morning was going to include calling 911, searching for digits, and supplying the ice so said digits could be re-attached to the hand. Thankfully he never cranked the chainsaw and I didn't have to fight my gag reflexes at the sight of all his blood. He left....and actually, I didn't see him at all the rest of the day.

And I went back to work. Or at least that is what I am telling people.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Windshield temperatures

During the winter meterologists use the term Windchill to describe how cold it actually feels outside, usually due to the wind (no kidding). I used to think they called it the Windshield factor. I figured that the windshield factor was determined by how cold your windshield felt. Seriously...that's what I thought. But, in my defense, windshields feel cold in the winter, so it seemed logical to me.

This graph below should explain everything and answer any questions you may have. Feel free to print this off and share it with friends and family.

It must have been difficult for my parents, constantly having to explain these things to me. Don't even ask how long it took me to figure out the difference between the "band" (like a marching band) and a "van" (the vehicle) poor parents. Please note I put the ( ) in there just in case you have any confusion, too.

All of this is not the least bit relevant to our current weather. This time of year we are using the term "heat index". I wish I had a misunderstood word for this term, something like asphalt factor.

Knoxville has experienced 60+ days in a row in the 90's or above! Can you believe that? We are melting....quite literally.

Glenn really seems to have the right idea. It's hot, we are on fire, then the world explodes. Oh how Glenn and I are both longing for the days of "windshield" factors. Sweet August....feel free to move-on-out and welcome-in Autumn....I am ready. As is most of East Tennessee....and probably all of the South for that matter.