Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sorry honey, I have a headache!

Today I have been suffering through another migraine, my third in the last month. I started getting migraines as a young child and have continued to suffer through them over the years. When I was younger, the migraines would start with flashing lights throughout my field of vision. I would say this is similar to having your picture taken with the flash on, and having that flashing light that remains for a few seconds after the picture is taken. Except, for me...that flash can last anywhere from 5 minutes to several hours. My flashing lights were accompanied by terrible nausea and vomiting, followed by a massive headache so harsh that I would consider manually cutting my head open to alleviate the pain. Luckily, as I got older, my body started "growing out" of some of the symptoms, mostly the nausea and vomiting (so grateful). As a teenager and an adult, migraines essentially meant flashing lights and headaches.
I do consider myself lucky, as I have heard of people who get migraine headaches every day. Mine have a tendency to come and go. I might have a span of 6 months migraine-free, then experience 4 or 5 within two months. Sporadic, unpredictable, and unreliable.
They say I get these from my father. "THEY" of course, refer to the medical professionals, Doctor Mom and Doctor Dad. I don't mean "medical professionals" in the terms of medical school educations, but I do think most parents earn their own level of medical professional-ness by using their valued skills of experience, intuition, and common sense. These skills have been enough for me my entire life....and when Brandon and I start a family, I can 't wait to put my own skills to the test. But, in all seriousness, my Dad suffers from migraines also! So...I get them from him. I would have much rather inherited his business sense and organization...but you can't be too picky!
Although my body "grew out" of many of my original migraine symptoms, this past month has changed. The nausea has returned. These headaches are hard enough, especially when dealing with them at work....I beg my body to please NOT include the nausea...and vomiting.
We shall see where this goes, but I truly hope these headaches will start to be fewer and farther between. Otherwise.....I be resorting back to my completely black rooms with no sound, no light, and wastebasket at hand!

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