Monday, August 22, 2011

I know I am getting big when.......

As of Friday, I will officially be 7 months (or 28 weeks) along. In my mind 7 months sounds so much more pregnant, and this is likely the term I will use, especially since I am starting to get huge. How huge am I?

I know I am getting huge when....

-I am constantly running into things with my belly. All sorts of random things have started to jump out at me and hit me right in the stomach. These things include, but are not limited to sinks, doors, people, various furniture (especially couches), and again.....people. Folks who probably never thought they would have the opportunity to get very intimate with my giant belly are now being accosted by it regularly (yet not intentionally). For whatever reason I still have it in my head that I can fit into small spaces. For instance- squeezing between chairs in a conference room or getting between the couch and the island in my house. It is very embarrassing when I get wedged into these spots and can't get out...or worse...have to turn around and go the other direction. Misjudging the size of this growing mass may leave me with lots of bruises and embarrassment.

-People are starting to recognize that I am indeed pregnant.

-My belly button looks like it's only moments away from popping out (which by the way totally freaking freaks me out....but this will have to be a whole other post of it's own).

-All these cute "summer non-maternity" dresses that I have been wearing for years are no longer cute, as my booty and belly are now in a tug-o-war to see which can consume the most fabric.

-My growing giant belly makes my also growing boobs look small. Trust me....that's when I know I am getting big. REAL BIG!

Since I have not included many photos of my ever-growing self on the blog, I will put a picture below. This should give you an idea of how HUGE I am really getting. Enjoy.

*Please note: I am pulling my dress tight so my large-ness will be doesn't look like this normally when I wear it!

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