Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The beautiful state of Denial....

Denial can be like a short vacation if you use it properly (which I always do)! It's a pretty spot that I like to go to whenever I don't want to deal with the realities of life. It's a lovely land I have been visiting since May! Unfortunately my temporary visa in Denial is about to run out and soon I will be returning to the land of Reality....a not so pretty place where decisions have to be made and burying your head in the sand is not acceptable (stupid Reality).

This Friday, I will officially be 30 weeks along in this pregnancy. And although I could try to extend my stay in Denial just a bit longer, the adult (right?) in me has determined that now is just a good of time as any to catch the first bus back to the real world. Part of this came about just this morning when I found this picture online. Please note...this is not me. I stole this picture from another blog, but it is so neat I had to share.

This picture should give you a pretty good idea about the approximate size of Baby Josie (i.e.- She's HUGE). Is anyone else concerned about the size of this 30-week baby's head? Or is that just me? Doesn't it seem rather large, considering there are 10 weeks left to go?

It's amazing to think that we came from this....

To this.....

With only 10 weeks left in this pregnancy, it's time to prepare myself for the reality that is to come.....labor. This baby has to come out and if she is anything like me or her Daddy, she will make a grand entrance complete with loud screaming, thrashing, and most likely...Jazz Hands (because what baby doesn't want to enter the world like this)!

The reality of this pregnancy coming to an end is also coupled by the fact that this coming weekend I have two baby showers! I am extremely excited to get to see friends and family who have not seen me in many months (since I took on my own zip code). Back in June my amazing family threw Brandon and I a surprise baby shower. I cried through the entire thing (tears of joy). My goal this weekend is to patch those leaks and try my best to NOT cry at every single thing I open or see! Although, the way I see it, we have so much to be grateful for, it's okay to cry a little.

Tomorrow I return to the doctor's office for my Glucola re-testing! I am dreading this, as it will take most of my morning and keep me from my breakfast, morning snack, afternoon snack and early lunch. Did I mention I am now housing my very own zip code? Yeah...I am huge! Just now, I thought to myself...maybe I shouldn't have had that piece of cookie cake 3 minutes ago (and I wonder why I can't pass the Glucola test).

If I can make it past this test tomorrow, we are hoping for smooth sailing for the final 10 weeks of this pregnancy. Brandon and I consider this pregnancy to be a blessing in so many ways. Most of all we are thankful for how easy things have been so far (knock on wood). It's amazing how much things can change in only a year's time. Ten more weeks and we meet our daughter....that sounds so strange. Especially considering this time last year we were not sure we would ever be able to say those words. I don't mind stepping back into reality, even if it does involve labor and pain and discomfort. I don't mind one bit, because in the end, a beautiful little Josie awaits us! How amazing is that?

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