Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Push Gift......

Well....first and foremost, you may have noticed I added a little something to my blog. Go ahead, take a moment and look around and see if you notice it. I'll wait.
If you didn't notice (or maybe you did) I added this little gadget at the top right that shows what it would look like if baby Josie was in outer space! So cool. She makes a pretty darn cute astronaut, don't you think? I wanted to add one of these do dads a while ago, but was really waiting for Josie to get cuter. When the baby looks like it's part alien, with the giant mis-shapen head that is totally out of proportion to its body, I would rather not show her off! Now...cute as a button! Enjoy! on to my real reason for this post....
The Push Gift

Have you guys heard of this? I find it hysterical, yet fascinating (only because I might get a new toy or something cool out of it). But...apparently in recent years the idea of providing a new mom with a "present or gift" has become popular in the United States. I am too lazy to do research, but I imagine this didn't start in the US (although it would make perfect sense, considering how freaking materialistic we are). I would also imagine the concept of the gift was not to give new mommy a new iphone or diamond bracelet (although I wouldn't complain).

Regardless of where it started, or why it started, Push Gifts are quite popular these days. Which works out well for me, since I will be pushing soon enough. In reality, having a baby should be present enough. If the hubby wants to give me a real gift, maybe he could take over the 1am and 5am wake-up feeding calls! But, I know that won't happen.

And although the entire idea of getting a gift for birthing a baby (which, by the way, is going to happen whether I push or not) seems crazy....I, of course, will accept anything that may be given to me! I will be especially excited to accept jewelry with or without diamonds, electronic gadgets or toys, and cash! Yep, I said it, cash! Nothing says "Thanks for all you did to have my baby" like a big wad of cash! So....If you see my husband (or any soon-to-be father), share this knowledge....a new mommy will certainly thank you!!

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