Sunday, April 15, 2012

Clearly she's advanced

Parenthood = the land where the simplest of tasks become bitter sweet.

She's growing!  And just like everyone who has ever raised a child has declared, she is indeed growing too quickly.

Just today I packed up more of her 3 month clothing.  The pants she has been wearing since she was about 8 weeks old now resemble carpi's on her little baby legs.  I realize she is nearly 5 months old, so the shock of her not fitting into her 3 month pants wore off fairly quickly, but it's still hard to believe! 

She is a rolling machine!  She now rolls all over the place when on the floor. Sometimes right after I lay her down on her back I will look back and find her like this........

And yes, she is always so proud of herself!  Her rolling has gotten frequent enough that we had to remove the bumpers from her crib. 

It's just crib bumpers and 3 month pants, but it's these constant reminders that our little peanut is growing!  She isn't just growing, she's thriving and learning and developing cool new skills (even if it is just rolling over).  Although we realize these milestones are tiny in the big scheme of her journey in life, they are bittersweet for us.  Because this adorable little peanut will only be this little for so long.  Soon she'll be crawling, and walking, and talking (and since she is so obviously advanced in the world of infants I am sure these skills will come along very soon)!

I never want to forget these days, yet I can't wait to see what each new day holds for her!  I am so grateful to call myself her Mommy, because she is truly amazing! 

CLEARLY she's advanced (at least in hand gestures and hair)!

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