Monday, April 11, 2011

Are you sick yet?

Like most newly pregnant women, I get this question every day. Almost every morning someone at the office asks if I have had morning sickness yet. I don't mind the question....mostly because my answer is NO!! I suppose if I was fighting back vomit just to answer the question each morning I may not be so eager.

Yep.....I am one of the few women who has not been slammed with some sort of morning/noon/night sickness. I have my moments of queasy....but they usually come and go without too many problems.

Although my doctor told me if I didn't start feeling some sort of sickness by last week I was unlikely to have any, I hope I am not jinxing myself with this post!

So far, things have been great. Other than the occasional indigestion, the nightly tiredness, and my desire to eat any and everything in sight (this is not much different than my pre-pregnancy self)....I would hardly know I was pregnant. Things have been so easy thus far and I can only hope and pray this pregnancy continues without any major hiccups or hurdles.

In a week and a half we will officially be 10 weeks along and we will be able to stop taking the progesterone shots, the metformin pills, and the baby aspirin. Ten weeks will be a huge milestone for us.....we can't wait to get there!

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