Friday, April 22, 2011

Huge milestone.....

Today I am officially 10 weeks pregnant. That, alone, is a big enough milestone for Brandon and I, and of course Baby Bice! I have been waiting for 10 weeks since before we even got pregnant.

That may seem silly to some, but let me explain. Long before we had our egg retrieval or transfer and light years (to me) before I got pregnant I had to start injections. If you have read my previous posts, then you know it all started with Lupron shots in the belly. These weren't too bad, but they were sometimes painful and left me with bruises for many weeks. After the Lupron we did Hmg injections. These shots had to be administered by my sweet husband. The Hmg shots did not necessarily hurt, but they were a nuisance, as it needed to be given at approximately they same time each day. (Have you ever tried to give yourself a shot in a public restroom? I had to do this with the Lupron. There's nothing like syringes in a bathroom stall to make you feel like a total junkie!)

After the Hmg shots, we moved onto to Progesterone Oil shots. We really saved the best for last. These shots I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Not only does the oil not go into your body smoothly, unless slightly warmed, but it also leaves your body lumpy and ooohh sooooo tender. These shots, like the Hmg, had to be administered by Brandon. He was such a trooper through all of it. And the way I see it, he's practically a doctor at this point. Anyone who gives shots each day for 2-3 months should get some sort of "honorary" nursing degree. I don't know if I could have done it.

Below- Two gallon-sized Ziploc storage bags full of used needles.

*We saved all of these because they need to be disposed of properly at a doctor's office*

So...the milestone....

Today is our last day of shots. No more shots, no more metformin, no more baby aspirin. As of today I am off all the meds and getting to live needle free! Every night (when getting the shot) I have wished it was 10 weeks. SO HAPPY we are finally there!!!!

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