Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Winning the lottery, otherwise known as our Last Will and Testament

Brandon and I are currently in the process of putting together our Will.  Not sure why I even say "currently in the process", as there is hardly anything current about this process (other than the fact that I FINALLY made the appointment).  We have been talking about putting together a Will since we found out we were going to be parents.  And here we are, with a 6 month old (I is that possible?) and no Will. 

I told Brandon this week that it had to be in place before we leave for vacation next month.  God Forbid something terrible should happen to Brandon and I and our little peanut end up in the care of the state (I don't even know if that is how it works, but I would really rather not find out).  I have seen movies about little red-headed orphans.  And although those kids sure can carry a tune and organize themselves quite nicely, I don't think we want Jo meeting any "Miss Hannigans" anytime soon.  Although I will say if there is a Daddy Warbucks anywhere in her future, hopefully it will be her biologically Daddy (fingers crossed....LOL). 

Thinking about who you want to raise your children should you ever die in a freak accident is slightly depressing.'s not easy.  Thankfully we are NOT in a situation of picking the lesser of two evils (or maybe I am just saying this because one of you is going to end up with our child(ren) and I am desperate to kiss up to you now, so that you don't turn our sweet peanut(s) into your house maids).  But, in all reality this choice has been hard for Brandon and I, but we both take comfort in knowing that any of the people we have to choose from are responsible, loving, wonderful people and would make great caregivers of Jo (again with the kissing up).  I can only imagine the stress that comes to those who don't have good family members/friends to fall back on.  I bet in those instances Miss Hannigan looks more and more like a nice lady!
Do people put dogs in wills?  I know some lunatics leave all their money to their dogs, but what does a millionaire dog do with no owners?  I suppose the least of my worries should be our dogs (especially if Jo ends up where she is supposed to be) but I can't help but wonder where they could go?  Not many people are equipped to take on two full grown (and lovable) pit bulls.  I almost feel like we should lump them together like a package deal.  For instance "Hey...the good news is we have decided we want you to get Jo if anything terrible should happen to us.  The even better news is when you buy one baby, you get two dogs for free! Yay. Good luck with that!"  Or maybe we should leave the child(ren) to one family and the dogs to another?  Wouldn't that be a slap in the face.  "So, we decided NOT to leave you the kid(s), but good news, you get the dogs! Good luck with that!"

So, basically someone in our family is about to win the potential baby/dog lottery.  Although, since the prize for this lottery is so wonderful (naturally, what with it being our baby and our dogs) we may not be releasing the name of the winner.  This would be in an attempt to ensure no freak accidents occur (I am watching my back).  In all seriousness, I am relieved that we are finally going to take care of our Will situation and I know it will give me some peace for the future.  If you do not already have a Will in place or you have not thought about one and you are a parent, you should truly start thinking.  Even if you just write down some thoughts on a napkin and get it notarized or have someone other than yourself sign it (I really don't know if this is correct, you should probably look into it more than just following my lazily non-researched directions), that has to be better than having nothing at all, right?

And now, as part of the contract of my motherly duties, I have to share this video with you.  But first, allow me to give you the back story.....

I had been taking video of Jo when Dixie, our female dog, hit my hand and the camera phone.  This made the flash come on.  I tried to start a new video, one WITHOUT the interruption of our dog when I realized the flash was on.  As you will see in this video.....turning the flash off was my biggest concern....

As you can tell...she was FINE and not phased by the little spill.  For whatever reason I can NOT stop laughing at this video.  I find it hilarious.  Does that make me a bad mommy?  I sure hope not! If we can't laugh at our own children then why do we have babies to begin with?