Monday, August 22, 2011

I know I am getting big when.......

As of Friday, I will officially be 7 months (or 28 weeks) along. In my mind 7 months sounds so much more pregnant, and this is likely the term I will use, especially since I am starting to get huge. How huge am I?

I know I am getting huge when....

-I am constantly running into things with my belly. All sorts of random things have started to jump out at me and hit me right in the stomach. These things include, but are not limited to sinks, doors, people, various furniture (especially couches), and again.....people. Folks who probably never thought they would have the opportunity to get very intimate with my giant belly are now being accosted by it regularly (yet not intentionally). For whatever reason I still have it in my head that I can fit into small spaces. For instance- squeezing between chairs in a conference room or getting between the couch and the island in my house. It is very embarrassing when I get wedged into these spots and can't get out...or worse...have to turn around and go the other direction. Misjudging the size of this growing mass may leave me with lots of bruises and embarrassment.

-People are starting to recognize that I am indeed pregnant.

-My belly button looks like it's only moments away from popping out (which by the way totally freaking freaks me out....but this will have to be a whole other post of it's own).

-All these cute "summer non-maternity" dresses that I have been wearing for years are no longer cute, as my booty and belly are now in a tug-o-war to see which can consume the most fabric.

-My growing giant belly makes my also growing boobs look small. Trust me....that's when I know I am getting big. REAL BIG!

Since I have not included many photos of my ever-growing self on the blog, I will put a picture below. This should give you an idea of how HUGE I am really getting. Enjoy.

*Please note: I am pulling my dress tight so my large-ness will be doesn't look like this normally when I wear it!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The things strangers now know about me....

Sometimes I hate going into car service centers or oil change places or anywhere where the majority of the staff is male. Sometimes. (Read: this morning) Why is it that when I go into these places I feel like I am being oggled? Is that a woman's lack of confidence and paranoia? Or is it because it is actually happening and I can feel the eyes of strangers on me? Maybe it's a combination of both?

This morning I dropped my truck off at a Chevy dealership to have it worked on. Like most dealership service areas, it was all men. And they were all hanging out (read: standing around) and drinking their coffee (and in my mind...waiting for someone to stare at).

These days I find myself large- ALL OVER. Things that were already big, are even bigger. And obviously, things that fit before are now a little tighter. I can't help but be overly self-conscious these days, so naturally I felt as though my giant belly and larger "other parts" (ahem) were being noticed. After leaving my keys with service, calling my ride, and sitting outside for 15 minutes, the service consultant approached me. He let me know that the part my car needed would have to be ordered and wouldn't be available until tomorrow.

To retrieve my car, I had to go back into service and ask for it to be brought back around. Again, my paranoia took hold and I swear I felt eyes on me....the whole time. The young man who brought my car back to me was extremely kind. He was even extremely patient when he witnessed me accidentally pour 20 ounces of ice water in the front seat of my car. He was even more patient after offering to go get me paper towels and a seat cover. It was quite sweet of him and I was completely grateful....and mortified. And yet, somewhat relieved that he was no longer starting at my larger parts, but instead looking at me with great pity. It was then that he decided to introduce himself as the gentleman who would be doing the work on my car tomorrow. Terrific (I feel like a complete ass).

Eventually I made it to the office this morning. It has just been one of those days where I felt like starting over or going home and crawling back into bed might be a better option. Once inside I was happily greeted by my dear friend and co-worker, Samantha. One of the first things Samantha says to me this morning is "Are you wearing polka-dotted panties under your dress?" Ummmm....splendid. This whole morning the entire world has had a great view of my undies.....because apparently there are parts of my dress that are see through and today I chose NOT to wear a slip (mostly because it doesn't fit over my ever-growing bottom anymore).

I am not sure which is worse.....

Feeling a slight bit justified that maybe it was not paranoia, but actually people staring at the unfortunate girl who unknowingly was flashing her polka-dotted panties to every Chevy service crew member.....


Or being that unfortunate girl who was unknowingly flashing my polka-dotted panties to every Chevy service crew member.

I believe this is one of those lose/lose situations. Oh, but don't worry, there is good news here....I get to go back tomorrow. I wonder if they will remember me?

Please Note: I am well aware that all male work places are not this way. I am also well aware that the chances of people looking at a nearly 7 month pregnant me are very slim and my paranoia and lack of self-confidence are most likely the major problems here. Yeah...I am stop thinking badly of me!

Friday, August 5, 2011

My husband, the Runner

About three months ago my amazing husband decided to take up running, again. When Brandon was a bit younger he did quite a bit of running and if my memory serves me correctly, he even joined a running club that did long runs (7-10 miles) at least once a week. So running is not a new sport to Brandon, just one he has decided to revisit.

Although Brandon has run with me in the past,his shin splints generally get the best of him and he winds up in so much pain it's just not worth it. I think this time around, he simply ran through the pain and out of the shin splints, like Forrest Gump and those tacky leg braces, except B's shin splints weren't visible to the rest of the world. And although he gets plagued by the pain every now and again, for the most part his shins are doing much better.

This is the best Forrest Gump, leg braces picture I could find.

I am so proud of how far Brandon has come in the past couple of months. He has become a pretty dedicated runner. Running through this dreadful heat and humidity is enough to make any runner want to quit!

Tonight Brandon will have his second trail race. Tonight...he conquers.....

Here is a map of the Haw Ridge Trail Race (which might as well be written in Japanese)

I love the fact that he is a runner now, but I HATE that he decided to revisit this passion while I am unable to join in. While he spends his evenings bettering himself, I spend my evenings flailing around on the couch. Do you know I have to use a "roll move" to get out of bed now? Brandon jokes that once this baby is born and the doctor gives me the okay to start running again, he will probably take another "break" from the sport. I generally reply by mumbling curse words under my breath and giving him the look of death.

While Brandon is out working hard and getting in shape, I am taking on a whole new shape of my own. Speaking of morbidly obese......I have started to swell. By the end of most days I usually look like this....

The only difference is I don't have the cute sailor outfit or the hat.

In truth, I am very proud of Brandon! He is working really hard and his hard work is paying off. I can't wait to start running with him this winter! I can't wait for us to include Josie (in a stroller, of course. We don't expect she will be a good enough runner to keep up with us right away) in our runs! Hopefully this time next year, both Brandon and I will be gearing up for the Haw Ridge Trail Race 2012! Good Luck Brandon! I know you will do great!!!