Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Angry seas.....

I laid in bed for about 15 minutes this morning just watching my belly move!  Some days watching Josie kick can only be caught if you happen to be looking at the exact right place at the exact right time.  Then there are moments like today, where you could see the movement from across the room, and still be totally grossed out (or excited). 

I don't know that I will ever get used to her movements, but I can tell you that I totally love them.  Some women think it feels creepy or weird.  And, although I agree, it's not natural to have another human squirming around in there, I think it's completely awesome!  Even when she kicks me so hard it takes my breath, I wind up wishing for more. 

This morning in particular my stomach resembled a scene from a movie.  I am sure the first movie you thought of was Alien, but I was thinking more along the lines of "The Perfect Storm".  My belly rolled in one direction, then turned back and rolled across the other way.  It was like the motion of an angry sea!  Huge waves passing by....but thankfully no sea-sickness or lost ships here.  As Josie gets bigger her movements are more detectable and noticeable by others and drastic! 

I have already decided she's a morning girl, like her Daddy (which leaves me none too happy, as I am NOT a morning person).  She also seems to be the most active right before lunch time and soon after dinner.  She is large enough, and my belly round enough, that just yesterday a co-worker watched in awww as she shifted around inside my stomach.  I can't get over how much I love this little lady already, even if she IS a morning person!  I hope to catch some of her motions and movements on video soon and add them to the blog.  Again, although some people find it creepy....I think it's amazing!

Monday, September 19, 2011

International and National pizza experiences OR Happy Anniversary

As Brandon and I were counting down the days to our 3rd Wedding Anniversary (which is today, by the way) we reminisced about when we met and started dating and even our wedding day.

After many months of communicating, Brandon and I finally met in person (the whole story can be found here http://thebicefamilyblog.blogspot.com/2010/11/myspace-shout-out.html). (Can someone please teach me how to put an old blog into a new blog with out actually having to paste the link directly....it would make me very very happy! I want to be able to say "the story is here" and the here is a direct link to the old blog.)

Anyway......I wondered how things might work for Brandon and I.  The week or so after we met up for the first time, I headed off to Italy for 2 weeks.  Brandon always says "I figured that was the last I would hear from you.  You would go to Italy and come back not thinking anything about me."  The truth was....I went to Italy and told my family about him.  I remember talking to my Aunt and telling her about this guy I had just spent an evening with, how he was different, and funny, and that I really like him.  Little did any of us know, he was the man I would end up spending the rest of my life with. 

While I was in Italy I was regularly updating my myspace blog (this was long before my days on Facebook or Blogger...back when blogging on myspace was cool).  Myspace was the regular form of communication between Brandon and I.  It was how we met, how we got to know one another and how he initially had me laughing out loud (before LOL was popular).  While over seas Brandon sent me a hilarious message about how he, too, was visiting Italy, in his own kitchen.  One night while I was away, Brandon had the authentic Italian experience by opening a bottle of Yellow Tail (which happens to be one of my cheap favorites)

and scorching (to the bottom of his oven) a Totino's pizza (which is, in my opinion, the worst cheap pizza you could ever eat). 

When I think back to my vacation in Italy, Brandon often reminds me, that he, too, spend a lovely evening in Italy.  It was much more lovely, I am sure, once the oven quit smoking and the burnt pizza was disposed of.

Brandon left for business in Chicago over the weekend.  He spent a couple of days at his parents home just south of Chicago and got up early this morning and headed into the city for a conference.  Brandon and I were engaged in the beautiful city of Chicago, and although it has been a huge part of his life growing up, it will always hold a special place in my heart, too.  When we visited Chicago he insisted on taking me to his favorite Chicago style pizzeria.  I was sure I would like it, although I had absolutely no idea how much I would love it.  It was, by far, the most delicious pizza I have ever tasted.  In my many months of pregnancy, I have often dreamt of a deep-dish Chicago Style pizza showing up at my door, hot and ready (some women dream of naked men, I dream of pizza).  Unfortunately, no matter how hard we try, we just can't get anywhere near the quality of Chicago style pizza in sweet little Knoxville, TN. 

Until now!  Yesterday while roughing the grocery store alone I stumbled upon my new favorite pizza.  Behold.....the Digiorno Personal sized Deep Dish Pizza (otherwise known as my new obsession).....

When browsing the instructions I noticed that there was an option to microwave this pizza.  Don't do this!  Who in their right mind would microwave a pizza?  I almost put the pizza back, just because they had this as an option.  Thankfully at the last second I noticed there were also oven cooking instructions and once again, all was right in my world. 

So, last night, in an attempt to have my very own Chicago experience, I heated the oven (the same oven that allowed Brandon his Italy experience...and the same oven that probably still has burnt cheese in the bottom from his Totino's pizza) and cooked my very first Digiorno deep dish pizza.  Let me just tell you......It was freaking AMAZING!  Get one.  Do it today....right now even....I'll wait.  Don't get me wrong, this isn't as good as the real thing, but sometimes we can't have the real thing.  Sometimes we have to go with the next best thing.....and in this case, it was a keeper.

Happy 3rd Wedding Anniversary, Brandon!  I wish I was in Chicago with you to celebrate!  Although we can't be there together, I am there in heart and spirit, and personal pizzas!  Thank you for being an amazing man, for all the love and support you give, and for being (already) an incredible father to our daughter!  You are a blessing in my life and you will be one in Josie's life, too! Thank you for nearly 5 years (in October) of laughter and fun and non-stop antics!  I never knew men like you actually existed....and I am forever grateful that you chose me as your wife!  Love you always!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I want this.....

After speaking with many running moms, I have decided this is the stroller I must have in order to run with Josie.

This is the BOB stroller and apparently all running moms swear by them! Also, you apparently have to name your first born BOB to get one! Holy smokes these things are expensive. I am currently searching for a used one, along with the rest of the moms in the world.

I am sure you are thinking "Your baby is not even born yet and you aren't supposed to run with babies until they are at least 8 months old, so why worry about it now?" Well.....I am assuming that they don't want new moms running with newborns because baby's sweet little neck is still so unstable. BUT....you forget that my baby is going to have a GIANT head, because that is the Bice/Ryan way. And with a GIANT head comes abnormally strong neck muscles. And abnormally strong neck muscles can lead to the possibility of being pushed in a jogging stroller at a younger age (maybe 6 months).

I knew these giant heads were going to pay-off at some point. Now I just have to figure out where I can buy a good used or new BOB stroller without having to sell a kidney. Maybe there is a black market for them? Who knows, but if you hear something about a good way to get one for cheap (that is legal), please let me know!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The beautiful state of Denial....

Denial can be like a short vacation if you use it properly (which I always do)! It's a pretty spot that I like to go to whenever I don't want to deal with the realities of life. It's a lovely land I have been visiting since May! Unfortunately my temporary visa in Denial is about to run out and soon I will be returning to the land of Reality....a not so pretty place where decisions have to be made and burying your head in the sand is not acceptable (stupid Reality).

This Friday, I will officially be 30 weeks along in this pregnancy. And although I could try to extend my stay in Denial just a bit longer, the adult (right?) in me has determined that now is just a good of time as any to catch the first bus back to the real world. Part of this came about just this morning when I found this picture online. Please note...this is not me. I stole this picture from another blog, but it is so neat I had to share.

This picture should give you a pretty good idea about the approximate size of Baby Josie (i.e.- She's HUGE). Is anyone else concerned about the size of this 30-week baby's head? Or is that just me? Doesn't it seem rather large, considering there are 10 weeks left to go?

It's amazing to think that we came from this....

To this.....

With only 10 weeks left in this pregnancy, it's time to prepare myself for the reality that is to come.....labor. This baby has to come out and if she is anything like me or her Daddy, she will make a grand entrance complete with loud screaming, thrashing, and most likely...Jazz Hands (because what baby doesn't want to enter the world like this)!

The reality of this pregnancy coming to an end is also coupled by the fact that this coming weekend I have two baby showers! I am extremely excited to get to see friends and family who have not seen me in many months (since I took on my own zip code). Back in June my amazing family threw Brandon and I a surprise baby shower. I cried through the entire thing (tears of joy). My goal this weekend is to patch those leaks and try my best to NOT cry at every single thing I open or see! Although, the way I see it, we have so much to be grateful for, it's okay to cry a little.

Tomorrow I return to the doctor's office for my Glucola re-testing! I am dreading this, as it will take most of my morning and keep me from my breakfast, morning snack, afternoon snack and early lunch. Did I mention I am now housing my very own zip code? Yeah...I am huge! Just now, I thought to myself...maybe I shouldn't have had that piece of cookie cake 3 minutes ago (and I wonder why I can't pass the Glucola test).

If I can make it past this test tomorrow, we are hoping for smooth sailing for the final 10 weeks of this pregnancy. Brandon and I consider this pregnancy to be a blessing in so many ways. Most of all we are thankful for how easy things have been so far (knock on wood). It's amazing how much things can change in only a year's time. Ten more weeks and we meet our daughter....that sounds so strange. Especially considering this time last year we were not sure we would ever be able to say those words. I don't mind stepping back into reality, even if it does involve labor and pain and discomfort. I don't mind one bit, because in the end, a beautiful little Josie awaits us! How amazing is that?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mission Cinna-Tum-Tum

I would be lying if I told you there was not part of me that planned to use this pregnancy as an excuse to eat some of the things I will not allow myself to have during normal times (when I am expected to look nice in those tight pants or bathing suit).

Basically since the first week we found out I was pregnant I have been plotting and planning this mission. I have waited (not so patiently) for myself to get large and obviously pregnant before carrying out this mission. In my mind it was truly important that people NOT judge me and my choices. In my mind, who could blame a pregnant woman for wanting what she wants? No one, that's who.

Although I still don't feel as though I am LARGE enough (believe it or not) to NOT be judged, this preggo could wait no longer. Last Saturday, while at the grocery store, Mission Cinna-Tum-Tum was in full effect....and I purchased this......

Holy Heaven! I can't tell you how long it's been since I have had a cinnamon roll, but my undying love for them has never skipped a beat. The reunion was sweet....so sweet. Thankfully (knowing my lack of self-control), I bought the 5 pack of cinnamon rolls, instead of the 8 pack (as I would have eaten every last one...undoubtedly....and scraped the icing off the pan).

This morning my amazing husband woke up a little extra early and popped these bad boys in the oven. By the time I was ready for work, so was this gooey, sweet, delicious treat! I am sure a doctor would tell you have should be having oat bran and fruit for breakfast this morning, but there were not any doctors hanging around my kitchen to object to my morning buzz! I am sure Baby Josie will be doing back flips momentarily from the sugary sweet overload! One of us will be, that is for sure!

It's nice to give in to some of the cravings and temptations once in a while. I have determined (this morning), it's one of the amazing perks of being pregnant! So, stop judging me!