Friday, September 24, 2010

Sign me up for the neighborhood watch....

This week Brandon and I had new floors put in the house. Out with the carpet (thank you, Lord) and in with the hardwood floors (actually laminate, but you truly would not know the difference). We have had workers in our house since Monday and have been living under a new found layer of dust. I say new because it simply settled onto of the "old" layer that has been sitting there since the last time I dusted. And no one really knows when that occurred (or IF it ever occurred).

All day yesterday I was pumping myself up for a night of relaxation. I made a plan for when I arrived home from work. That plan included:
1. run the dogs for 5-10 minutes (it's hot out...they can't take much more than that)
2. Clean the kitchen table, coffee table, chairs (both the new and old dust)and put them back in their regular spots.
3. change into pajamas within 20 minutes of arriving home from work (I had planned to work fast)
4. drink a minimum of 2 glasses of wine (the real plan starts here)
5. feel free to skip steps 1-2 and go directly to step 3

As I sped home in anticipation of running my dogs and cleaning the house (right)... I pulled into the neighborhood only to see my dreaded obstacle.... It read like this-
"Neighborhood meeting, tonight at the pond, 6:30PM"

NOOOOOOOOOOO....*breathe* Noooooooooooo. Maybe everyone feels this way about HOA meetings? Maybe just the people in my neighborhood? We don't have an established HOA (yet) and it's total chaos. For me, it's funny to watch, but I am sure some homeowners find it frustrating and obnoxious. Before I moved in with Brandon there was an apparent fist fight (or close to it) at one the meetings. I am not going to lie....I go to the meetings in hopes of a repeat performance, and I go home a little disappointed when it never happens (fingers crossed for future meetings). Although I don't get too hot and bothered by these meetings, I was not pleased to find my evening activities would be interrupted by overly serious homeowners.

I am a creative girl, if nothing else (total lie), so I felt the need to somehow intertwine my scheduled and unscheduled events. And by creative girl, I mean classically tacky. I like the expression classically tacky because I feel like with me, these two words might possibly fit. Although in reality I am aware they should never be in the same sentence together. In record time I accomplished steps 1 and 2 on my list. In an attempt to uphold the "classic" part of my classically tacky, I skipped step 3. No one needs to see me in my pajamas. Classic.

In good ole tacky fashion I poured a glass of wine into a paper "to go" cup and marched my happy butt right to the meeting. Yep...that's me, drinking a cup of wine and heckling (under my breath) those neighbors who are now arguing with each other. At first I was worried my neighbors would be judging me and my decision to drink and laugh at them. Then I realized...if they know me or have ever met me or even seen me...chances are pretty good they have already judged me. I look poor...what can I say? It happens. But...I was quickly delighted to find people applauding (not really) my choice to bring booze. One guys said "I am missing happy hour for this?" Amateur. To which I proudly replied "I brought mine with me!" Ahh...jealously all around. Or at least that's the story I am sticking with. The good news is when the cup was was time to go! And believe it or not, they didn't vote me onto the HOA board. Shocker, right? Mission accomplished!

*I have to laugh at myself because I spelled classically wrong every time I typed it. Classic.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

He has many names.....

Some might include, but are not limited to:
Noah-Bear, Big Boy, Handsome, Big Guy, Noah-Gene, Noah-puppy, Bubba (one of my favorites), and of course Buddy (doesn't every dog go by this at one point or another). He is Noah. My sweet love. He is such a good boy! There is not a single day that goes by that I don't give thanks for him.

Some people can't say this about their dogs, but I met Noah when he was only 1 day old. He was like a pink piglet. Eyes closed, pink nose, pinkish hued skin....he simply made grunt-y noises. He was one of eleven in the litter. And he was HUGE. From day one he out weighted his brothers and sister, quite substantially. The day we took Noah home he was obviously the OPPOSITE of the fat his little belly was only millimeters from dragging the ground. A sight that was honestly too cute not to take in! He was my boy from very early on. I loved him even before I brought him home. After he was born I went to see him at least once every two weeks (if not was hard to stay away). I got to watch him grow with his litter mates as they learned to walk (stumble) and bark (squeak). Within a few weeks Noah sweet little pink nose started to speckle black. And as he got older (and cuter) it was harder and harder to leave him.

When I first got Noah I will admit there was some initial hesitation in bringing home a pit bull. It's always easier to believe what you hear and see in the media than to live the experience and make your own judgement. Any trepidation I may have had faded within the first day. And if you have met him, whether he was young or old, than you already know his sweet demeanor will quickly take you in.

I wish I could say Noah's training was the result of my own blood, sweat, and tears....but I can't (at least not initially). Although I can say his continued good behavior and the maintenance and (occasional) adjustments to his training are something I am proud of. He has never needed much he is the smartest dog in the world (really). And he is just plain GOOD!

We run together and he minds me! We walk and he doesn't drag me down the street, although the occasional squirrel has gotten him into trouble! He LOVES to swim and does it with NO grace what so ever (the complete opposite of his sister, who I swear is part otter). Noah's toy of choice is his Frisbee. He is an amazing Frisbee dog and would play all day every day if we let him.

Why get so mushy-gushy about Noah? This Friday, September 17th, my sweet boy will celebrate his 6th birthday. Although he is completely UN-aware of this event, it has me reflecting on the quality of life he has given me. He has made my life a better place! Dogs are not lucky to have us, we are lucky to have them! Somewhere along the way I came across the following words, known as the "Pit Bull Mantra"-

"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.

You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart.

You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion."

Happy Birthday Sweet Noah! We hope this life will give you many many more birthdays to share with us! We are graced with your sweetness everyday! We love you more than treats or walks or toys could ever tell.....We just hope you know how much that is!!

You're a good boy! Thank you for being my Bubba!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Your perfection makes me gag

My life is a mess. That's not a statement about recent events or emotions. That is not some dramatic claim that is describing circumstances. My life is a's just a given. It's always been that way, always will be and I do not try to make it seem any different (at least not to my knowledge).

I love love love to read blogs. I swear it's an addiction. But, I have serious issues with blogs where "everything is rosey". I read one blog in particular where things are ALWAYS perfect! Always! The kids never get in trouble or throw all-out tantrums. The adults never have bad days or fight with their spouses. There always seems to be some well thought out lesson about not taking moments for granted...blah blah blah. I write posts like that....some times. But not every single time. I can not even read this particular blog I just look at the pretty pictures, which are also perfect!

It's okay to have a bad day or a mental breakdown. It's okay to get pissed off and yell or have to put the little ones in time out. It's human. You are human (I am not....I am super human). Be human, not fake! Be real.

But, please don't stop taking pretty pictures!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I like roller coasters...

The mixture of excitement and nervousness has me rolled into a big ball of giddy. I feel like a child on Christmas morning (honestly). Brandon and I have experienced all of the major emotions that go along with attempting to get pregnant, finding out there is an issue, and the waiting and guessing that goes along with finding a solution. It's like we have been on some crazy baby roller coaster. We are both ready for that rush..and the feeling of our stomachs dropping long before our bodies do as we scream down the hill. But right now, we are making the steady climb and our car is slowly clicking up the big hill. One click at a time we get closer to the top, and our excitement is building up with each click.

Tomorrow we have our consultation/introductory meeting with our IVF specialist. We will learn (hopefully) what is in store for us in the coming months. We will learn what to expect both physically and financially, and what our possible outcomes may be (obviously, we really hope all of this leads to a baby). I have been waiting for this appointment for months. Seriously....MONTHS...just to find out some details. We won't even begin our "process" until next year, but there is something so soothing about having answers. They may not be ALL the answer, but SOME...that's enough for now.

I absolutely can not wait. Tomorrow will be a milestone for us! A relief for me (regardless of what we learn) and the beginning of something so new and long awaited for our little family. And when we do finally reach the top of our hill and our roller coaster starts to plummet downward like a speeding bullet....I will have my hands in the air and my eyes open. I plan to drink in every second. I don't want to miss a thing!

UPDATE: The excited nervousness has turned into nerves alone. I will be leaving the office in 30 minutes and all of a sudden the nerves are hitting hard. It's weird to me that I am feeling mixed emotions..and not the ones I expected. Right now, I am scared and feel like crying (I think that's just the nerves). Fingers crossed for something we can handle.....

Friday, September 3, 2010

Nothing like it......

There are some activities, rituals, occurrences that happen that make you stop and for a brief moment, breathe in where you are and what you are doing. These activities occur every day....

But for Tennessee Vol fans they occur most often in the months between September and January (obviously this is only my opinion...I am sure they happen all year long!).

Growing up in East Tennessee I have never NOT known what it's like to experience a University of Tennessee football game (I am sure there is something to be said for my grammar, too! And trust me, the two are in direct correlations with one another). I love to hear stories from other people after their first game. The crowd, the noise, the stadium...there is nothing like it. You may think you know the college football experience, but let me tell you if you haven't been to Neyland Stadium on a crisp Saturday haven't tasted true football (this is not my's actually fact).

Brandon and I (along with about 102,000 other people) share in the excitement of game day! We like to go to the stadium a little early so we can watch the band pre-game. Both he and I get goose bumps watching the Pride of the Southland band form the power "T" on the field. Then watching the "T" open and Smoky lead the way for our boys in orange and white to take the field. It's like a weekly rite. It makes me proud. It PUMPS me UP!

We have one of the largest stadiums in college football, which naturally leads to one of the loudest stadiums. And if you aren't a Vol fan, you probably get sick of hearing Rocky Top by the end of the first quarter. But if you are a VOL sing as loud as you can and hit every "WOOOOOOH" with enthusiasm (if you aren't a Vol fan you may not know what the Woooh is...).

Brandon was a northern boy (was) who was probably pretty confident in his college football experiences. I think he paints the best picture of what it was like his first time at a UT football game. It would have been really helpful for me to have some kind of quote or story from him here, but I don't. What? I am not a journalist, I am just a girl with a blog. But, I do know he will tell you it will actually take your breath away. It will make you look around and wonder if you have entered some alternate universe (probably for several reasons).

And maybe you aren't a UT Vols fan. Maybe you love some other team. That's okay (not really). You may have your own rituals where you do silly stuff and sing silly songs...that's cool ('s not). But you have to admit....there's nothing like watching your team take the field for the first time and the friendships (although sometimes very short lived) that you make with other fans while in the stadium, bar, garage...watching your team run down the field.

Welcome to football season! Let's go VOLS! It's great to be a Tennessee Vol Fan! Come join us in East Tennessee sometime this season. I guarantee you won't regret it...and you may even leave with a new understanding of what college football is REALLY about! GO VOLS!

I rarely put up links to other pages/sites. But, this video below is worth the click. It's all East Tennessee....everything from the orange and white to the accent and pronunciation of "the hill". Please check it's better than any other video or picture on my page today! I just wish I could have uploaded the video instead of leaving a link! You will have to copy and paste the link...sorry!

And just one more video....

Tennessee, Tennessee, there ain't no place I'd rather be......