Monday, May 24, 2010

Come on, give this chubby girl a break

How is it possible that one week from today will be the last day of May? How is it possible that my family vacation is now less than 4 weeks away? Remember when I told myself I was going to really look great this year at the beach? You were there, right? Remember? Hmmmm....silly sure is sly when it sneaks up on me like that.

I guess I am slightly over doing this (who me?...No?). I have lost about 13 pounds (I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but when you are 5 ft 4 adds up). And...I am pretty sure I will be just about where I want to be in time for the beach.

But, you know what doesn't help this chubby girl??? The ice cream man(I think he's communist). In the freaking truck. Playing that annoying song. He stalks me at work. He stalks me at home. And now....(dramatic pause)....he is stalking me at the PARK where I RUN! What kind of a sick individual drives around where people are exercising, throwing delicious sprinkle-covered temptation directly into their faces?

I mean, sure...there are tons of kids at the park, and this guy is making a killing, but my self control, which is already practically non-existant is really wearing thin and he is driving that truck full of cold chocoalte goodies straight into my flabby arms. And quickly moving this chubby girl towards a moo-moo cover up on the beach! Come on, Self Control, hang in there....

Blasted ice cream are not welcome here! At least not until after my summer which point, please don't forget where I run! I will be waiting.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Summer Firsts

This weekend was like our welcome to summer. Although the temperatures were not quite "summer-like" this weekend has been just the beginning.

Friday night I got my first mosquito bite. Yuck...I know. Living in the south we are accustomed to these nasty buggers, but I always enjoy those spring/early summer nights where the pests are not in attendance and you aren't constantly swatting or slapping your own skin to prevent the dreaded bite.

Saturday night was a night of two firsts. One, the first of what I am sure will be many visits to a new bar and BBQ grill not far from our house, Vernon's. Great bar food and live music on the weekends. This comfortable bar is made better by a mellow atmosphere and outdoor seating area, and diverse patrons. We enjoyed Vernon's and I have a feeling we will be back there soon.

Saturday night's second first (I know...right?) would be my first motorcycle ride this summer with Brandon. It was the perfect night for a ride. Where blue jeans and a t-shirt are enough to keep you comfortable, not cool. Where you can ride down a two mile stretch of road and experience 15 separate hot and cold areas, much like hot and cold spots you experience when swimming in lakes or oceans. It was a perfect night and the air was filled with a mixture of freshly cut grass and wild honeysuckle. And I am sure it was the first of many rides to come this summer.

Quick side note: It is a really good thing that I have had an abnormally large head my whole life. Because of this...many years ago, my neck was strengthened from constantly having to support this giant globe. And...because of this, thankfully, my neck is strong enough to support the even larger motorcycle helmet that I must wear to ride with Brandon. Why is it that the most protective helmets turn me instantly into a giant beach ball-headed alien....a walking dandelion, as my husband calls it? I really wish they could come up with a cute alternative to these ginormous helmets, ones that could also give you the comfort of knowing your giant noggin was being somewhat protected.

And my final first for this an all time first for me. Nothing major, so don't get too excited. My first time incorporating Foxglove into my garden. I can not remember why I have not put this in my garden before....but I love it...and Brandon and I added two more plants today!

Monday, May 17, 2010

We run....thats our thing

This handsome gentleman below is the worlds greatest running buddy!

He never complains about the mileage or route I choose! He also never gets upset when I complain about both the mileage and the routes taken. What a good buddy!

Thanks Noah for always keeping pace, or setting a new one!

Now...if we could only get the little brown dog on board!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

This weekend in May...all over the place blog

Do you remember when you were a kid and you got a new pair of shoes? And of course, that meant you could run faster and possibly even jump higher? Or was that just me?

Intro new fitted jet packs:

I have not had the chance to test out my theory of running faster (like I really need to test that) or jumping higher, as it's raining today, but I have every intention of wooing people with my athletic abilities tomorrow! Thanks B!

A good friend of mine, Samantha, recently moved into a new condo/townhouse! This is her first time on her own and owning her own home! I decided that for a housewarming gift I would help her put her gardens together. For anyone who has ever had to start their own flower can be a real pain in the butt. Having someone who is willing to help (my mom at our house) makes a big difference. I am not really sure Samantha was as excited as I was, but I think we had a good time. It was A LOT of hard work, all day long, in 86 degree weather....but the hard work paid off!

Samantha's gardens before:

Samantha's garden after:

Friday night we enjoyed an evening among royalty (practically). Brandon and I were invited to join friends in Box Seats at the Tennessee Smokies Baseball game. I am not going to lie, my life has changed. I just don't think I can go back to mingling with the public in their general, one priced seating areas. High class living (although very short lived) has changed me. Call me a snob, but who while all those fans were getting soaked by the pouring rains....we were high and dry, and enjoying comfortable couches in air conditioning. I think these box seats may have created a monster in me. I might need an intervention.....or a move up in the tax brackets. reality, I don't think I could fit in with the "riches"....I stick out like a sore thumb and anytime something went wrong or (God forbid) missing...they would look directly to me. Why? I have a guilty face! Which translate to- I look poor!

You be the we look high class?

Three weeks ago today I got a sunburn that was probably the worst I have ever experienced. That is truly saying a lot, as I am pale, even by Irish standards. I have experienced many 'a sunburn in my lifetime...and this one was BAD. About a week ago (two weeks after the burn) I stared peeling...which is totally normal. But, here I am, 3 weeks after the initial burn and experiencing ITCHING like I have never known before. No more peeling, simply itching all over my back. Have I done some kind of permanent damage to the nerves or am I experiencing some allergy to over exposure to the sun? All I know is I can't take much more of this. I thought I was going to claw my skin raw last night...finally two benadryl later and waking my husband at 1AM to apply yet another layer of lotion...I was able to rest. I would never be a good meth addict (like there is such a thing), I would never be able to handle the itching and "bugs" under the skin. This is good to know, because up until now, I was really teetering that line....take meth or not to take meth. I have my answer! (That's a joke, mom and dad...I was never really considering it....after I learned what it did to your teeth. <-- Kidding)

And finally.....
A quick update on the Inglorious Batters, our co-ed softball team. So far this season we have:
-Won one. No...that's no typo...
-Lost five. Ouch
-Almost had one fight with a female player on the other team (and a male player on our team).
-Almost had altercations with officials and their "calls"
But...we are still having fun! We have a great team (personality wise) and we all get along...for the most part. And although we have only won one game, we are considering entering the tournament...just to extend our season and socializing...because trust me, it's not because we are going for first! GO Batters!

Friday, May 7, 2010

For my mom.....

This Sunday is Mother's Day. If you are reading this and were not aware.....SHAME *disgraced head nod and finger pointed in your direction*

Mother's Day......
The way I see it, mom's should be honored more often than once a year. Although I am not a mother, yet, I am surround by mothers everyday. The unwavering love of a mom is untouchable. Moms love you through all of the struggles, highs and lows. My mom still loves me...she stuck it out through my teens, when life as my mother must have been hard. I look back at some of my lows....and trust me, it definitely had to be hard for her. I wasn't always the angel I am now (wink, wink)!

Moms get walked on, overlooked, taken advantage of, drained dry and constantly bothered; yet they turn around and welcome you with open arms. As a young adult I was not aware of how lucky I was to have my mom. I am hoping this is natural, and I was not the only ungrateful teenager out there. But, it's true...I was not a model daughter (and still am not...although trying to get better). When I was a young child I was ALWAYS told "you look just like your mother". I remember thinking..I am nothing like my mom. But, I was wrong. I look more and more like my mom every day. I act more and more like her all the time. We have mannerisms, gestures, and even sayings that are so in-sync it's almost scary. As a child I would have been mortified (like all children), but as an adult...I am thankful! Thankful to have had a woman who showed me strength, love, patience, and humor. I am thankful to have had such an incredible role model...someone who would claim me no matter my actions, even when as a child, I may not have been willing to do the same. My mom was a working mom who managed a career....and a accomplishment that still amazes me.

But, most of all, she never stops being my mother. She doesn't necessarily have to "take care" of me the way she did when I was a child, but...I will always be her baby. To this day, I still call her when I am sick...and it makes me feel better. My favorite part....She's not just my mom, now she's my friend. And that means the world to me!

Thank you to all the moms out there who put themselves second so their child could thrive. Thank you for understanding and loving your children, even when it was the hardest thing you had to do. And thank you, always, for molding and shaping our futures! We are grateful....even if we don't always let you know!

Mom- I could never possibly get close to SAYING how much I love you. There just aren't words for that. But, I hope you will know how much you have meant to me over the years. Thank you for being the woman I want to be! And thank you for taking on the hardest job ever....being a mommy! I love you always!

Happy Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

You are lying.....

Or not.

When Brandon and I first met (and I fell deeply in love) he told me his birthday was May 7th. I laughed. And thought, for a brief instant he was either a)joking or b) a stalker.

These are not the normal thoughts I have after a potential beau tells me his birthday. The only reason I reacted this way is because I, too, was born on May 7th.

Yep...we share a birthday. Obviously (obviously) he is much, much older. Four years older to be, no worries, we aren't some kind of weird twins seperated at birth only to reunite and fall into the sickest love ever. Nope...we are all good here.

I like telling people we have the same birthday because it's generally pretty weird. I don't know any other couples (although I am sure they exist) that share a birthday.

I never would have guessed I would have found my perfect match in another Taurus. I am proud of my zodiac sign and the generalized (and mostly hogwashed) personality traits that come along with a Taurus. I know several Taurus and I can not imagine being paired off with a single one of them. I think Brandon and I are our own exception to the rule. this house...we put up with a lot of bull! And it works!

Happy Birthday Brandon! I love you and all your bull-ness! You are indeed my perfect match!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Winding up at Wit's End

Some thoughts after another incredible sermon at Cokesbury....

Today, a member of our church choir said "At our wit's end....that's where God lives."

When I was in college, a guy I barely knew (and who barely knew me...obviously) called me a pessimist. It cut like a knife.

We all face daily frustrations and annoyances that can drive us crazy. Whether it's the person at work who chews with their mouth open, the terrible driver I am always stuck behind coming and going to work, or the kid down the street that insists on wearing skinny jeans and skateboarding in front of my house (this is a problem only because Noah is terrified of skateboards.....and skinny jeans...really..slightly ridiculous on males).

There are things in my everyday environment I just can't change or control. Instead of letting these things drive me nuts and push me closer and closer to the dreaded pessimist...I have decided to stop allowing these things to annoy me and start accepting a new attitude.

I wasn't put here to be pessimistic. Pessimism squashes our hopes. Pessimism makes our dreams unattainable. And in this world...I need my hope and live for my dreams.

I don't want to ever stop believing in the possibility (period). We all want to live in a world where hope flows freely and passion rules easily. At least...that's where I want to I have to put myself there. And if you are not ready to go there with me...then I have to leave you behind. I still love you...I just can't afford to waste any more time in the wrong state of mind. No worries though...I will send you a postcard!