Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pregnancy Survey

I don't usually do these little surveys because I think they are kind of goofy. BUT, I figured doing one (as a quick updater) wouldn't hurt me!

Week 19- June 24th - July 1st
Due Date: November 16, 2011

How Big is Baby: As of 6/16, baby Bice was 8 ounces, so I would guess she is probably pushing 10 ounces by now, if not more. What a heifer!

Symptoms: I have been really lucky so far. The only major symptoms I have are indigestion and lack of sleep. I have recently started to get little back aches, but nothing to write home about! :)

Cravings: Everything. I want to eat everything, especially Mexican food and sub sandwiches.

Sleep: Sucks. It has sucked since I was only 8 weeks or so along. But, I am a bad sleeper when I am not pregnant, so no major change. Part of the problem is having to get up and use the bathroom twice or three times a night.

I Can't Live Without: Snacks, Tums, and an extra pillow in my bed.

I Miss: Wine (how sad is that), running consistently without having to pee....that's about it.

I am Looking Forward to: Seeing Josie for the first time.

Milestones: On Friday we will hit 20 weeks, half way through the pregnancy! YAY! Also...finding out Baby Bice was a girl.

Awkward Moments: Filling up the washing machine with water, detergent, and clothes then forgetting to close the lid so it would start. Doing everything needed to the dryer, then forgetting to press start. Sneezing (if you have to ask, you may not want to know why)

Exercise: I was doing really good with running and that would honestly be my preferred method of exercise, but now I can't go more than 1/4 of a mile without having to pee. It doesn't matter if I peed 20 times before going to run. The baby must just be positioned right on top of my bladder. SOOO...Currently, I am walking. It doesn't cause the intense pressure or need to pee.

Diet: Hahahaaaahhhaaahahaha. No, really...hahahahaha!

Movement: Nothing serious yet. I think I have started to feel her move, but who knows...it may just be gas! I get random sensations that feel like muscles spasms going across my belly.

Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: It’s far too soon for this!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Reaching the halfway point.....

My friend JoElla keeps hounding me to put up more posts and stop being lazy. So, basically, this post is just to get her off my back a bit! Just kidding Jo!

First and foremost....Our big news!!

We are expecting a little girl in November! We plan to name her Josie Noelle, although we both agree this could change a hundred times between now and November! We are so excited and can't wait to meet Josie.

Brandon and I are counting our blessings daily. We realize this little girl will be a miracle for us. After spending so much time researching and prepping for our IVF treatments, retrieval, and transfer; it almost seems unreal that we actually got pregnant on our first try. We recognize this is a fairly rare occurrence, and are constantly grateful.

I have to go back to the doctor in early July to have another ultrasound. I am so excited because JoElla (the blog Nazi) will be in town and get to go with me! Jo has been in Mexico throughout our pregnancy and has not gotten to see how large I am getting or experience my advanced appetite or my new and improved mood swings. She may not be as excited as I am!!!

On Friday I will officially be 20 weeks along. It is hard to believe this pregnancy is almost half over. I have a feeling I will blink and before I know it Brandon and I will be shuffling off to the hospital to meet Josie!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Randon photos....

I don't have too much to say at the moment, so I thought I would show some pictures I have taken recently.

I work in an interesting community in Knoxville. We are a mixed residential/commercial neighborhood. I would venture to say this community is borderline ghetto....although there are days I forget how ghetto it is. Then...there are mornings like this one. This is what I saw first thing this morning.

I am not particularly fond of these neighbors. I don't think they take good care of their dogs and when their dogs had puppies, I called Animal Control on them because the pups kept getting loose and running in the road. This wouldn't necessarily bother me, except we have constant tracker trailer traffic on our road and it would be nearly impossible for any driver to spot a dog. Also...the pups were covered in fleas and looking sickly. I could go on and on, but I will stop there. I will say this, though, I would have paid good money to witness these neighbors climb this ladder (which was seriously high) and cut these limbs. I am SURE it was quite a show.

The following picture was taken in the bathroom at work. I have worked in this building for nearly 4 years. Today was the first time in 4 years I noticed the PHONE JACK in the bathroom. Why? Possible conference call, of course. I don't know why I find this so weird....but I do.

Brandon and I have really enjoyed the local Farmer's Market each week! Here are a couple of photos I took two weeks ago.

This Thursday morning Brandon and I will get to find out if we are having a boy or a girl! We are so excited we can barely wait. Brandon admitted last weekend that he is ready to buy some gender specific clothes for Baby Bice!

The dogs are excited to find out too......

Of course...they make this face every time I get the camera out (not really)! I love their sweet smiley faces!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Blogger has some really cool features in it's "stats" section. You can get a general idea of how some people stumbled upon your blog; did they google it, follow from your facebook page, etc.

Since I linked my blog to my facebook page today, I checked my stats. I was curious how many people followed the link from facebook.

At the bottom of my stats are possible searches that led someone (gross), somewhere (yuck), to my blog and picture of the baby bump. Under searches it said "Baby Bump Porn". Yack. Seriously? Who freaking searches baby bump porn.

I am just keeping my fingers crossed and praying they didn't find what they were looking for....and kept moving. I may need to consider taking this thing private. Gross.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Baby baby bump

This Friday I will be 4 months (or 16 weeks) pregnant. Slowly but surely my body is starting to change. I have a developing baby bump, but it's pretty small, so its more like a baby baby bump.

I find it very strange that my belly looks larger in clothing than naked (and no....there won't be any naked pictures). Last weekend I squeezed myself into a bikini, and although it probably wasn't a pretty sight, my belly looked less pregnant than when I came home with a tank top covering. How does that work? If it continues this way, I may be looking for skimpier clothing to wear to work REAL soon! In return, I may also be looking for new employment!

Weak Will.....

Sunday evening this sweet girl

had a little accident.

While we were outside playing "fetch" in the backyard, she managed to rip the top claw on her paw. I kept calling this her "dewclaw", but after doing some research, I am not convinced that is what it is. And basically now I am confused. It seems too high up on her leg to be a dewclaw, and in case you don't know what a dewclaw is, here is a picture......

We went to the vet (which is always an experience) and they said she basically did the equivalent of a human ripping their finger nail completely up off their finger and leaving the vulnerable meat (or fresh) exposed. Yum.

Here is Dixie at the vet. She loves it there and they love her.

So last night I come home armed with 4 very important items!
1. Pain Medicine (VERY important....to my sleep)
2. Antibiotics
3. Anti-inflammatory
4. An E-collar

As Brandon and I start preparing the nursery for Baby Bice we are cleaning out items and junk we haven't used in years. Less than a week ago we took a look at our old E-collar and could find no future use for it, so we threw it away. If only we had known. But NOOOO....we had to purchase a whole new one not even 5 days later (what are you gonna do?).

This afternoon when I went home for lunch I stuck poor Dixie in her E-collar. It was so sad and pathetic and I couldn't stand to see her "suffer". Poor girl. Enjoy!

Let's hope I have a stronger will with our children, because I took the silly thing off within moments. We will try again tonight, when we have Brandon around as backup.