Monday, December 31, 2012

You should know.....

Dear Sweet little girl,

You already have your daddy wrapped around your pinky finger. 

My hope for you, is that one day you realize just how lucky you are to have a Daddy who loves you so much. 

Dec 2012- Downtown Christmas Parade
This year's holiday was a little different than normal.  Since we went home to Chicago to be with the Bice Family for Thanksgiving, I did not take as much time off as I normally might at Christmas.  And this year, Daddy took off more time than normal.  Since your school was closed for the entire week of Christmas, it was a good thing Daddy took the time off.  And so you and Daddy have been at home playing each day while Mommy has been at work.  It hurts my heart just a little to know of all the fun you are both having while I sit behind my desk.  But, it lights my heart to think of the bonding and love that must be growing between the two of you (like it could grow anymore) each day!

Today is Daddy's last day home with you.  And although I know he must value this time, I think he may be happy to know your school doors will be open on Wednesday morning. 

I just received this text message from your Daddy-
Daddy-I have read the same 3 books about 900 times today.
Mommy- Hahahaha.  Hide them.
Daddy- I hate the ABC and Color book

It always amazes me how you seem to find these two books amongst the hundreds (truthfully) that you own.  It's like they have a special scent that only you can smell.  And you find them.  And ask us to read them to you over and over and over.  And my goodness, maybe we could say no if you were the cutest thing in the world.  But you are.  And so we read them.  By memory.

You are a lucky little girl.  So much so that no matter how much your Daddy hates it, he will still read the ABC and Color book to you each and every time you ask.  I will not be surprised if when I get home from work today, Daddy is teaching you that the Penguin begins with the letter P! 

We love you pumpkin pie!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Collectively broken

My heart, along with millions of others, ached last Friday as the details of a heinous and senseless crime were being reported.  We all, collectively, searched for answers as to why any single person could take the lives of so many innocent children.  Many of us prayed, saying prayers for family and friends and teachers and first responders and of course those tiny souls.  We watched, political views aside for once, as our President spoke with shaky voice.  We cried....all of us, together, just thinking of this town and how they would have to pick themselves up. 

Even today I have a hard time discussing this without being emotional.  My husband and I made the decision on Sunday that we would not watch any more news regarding Newtown, CT.  There is a part of me that feels guilty for not knowing more about the victims, but I know this is the right choice for our home.  Our nation needs to heal.  I am praying, often, for these families.  Our thoughts are with them each morning that we wake Josie up for school.  Each day that we leave her, I cannot help but wonder what those parents must be feeling.  Each afternoon she is picked up, I am thankful. 

Our hearts are broken and our heads are confused.  Our prayers are for peace and comfort and healing.  I wish we could do more, but we do not know how.  We will never forget what happened last Friday and our nation needs to find away to prevent it from happening again.  The only thing we can do, now, is offer kindness.  Be kind to one another.  Love your neighbor.  Love your family.  Be patient.  Be faithful and respectful.  Recognize the value of another person's life and your own.  Be thankful.  Be worthy of living...because somehow, we are here, yet 20 sweet, innocent, young souls are not.  And it makes no sense.  And it never will.

Last Friday, I could not get to her fast enough. It did not matter how fast I replied to the emails. How quickly I returned the calls. It was not a matter of what time I left the building and drove out of the parking lot. None of that mattered. The actual time of my eventual arrive was irrelevant, as no matter what time I arrived, it would not be soon enough.  As I pulled into the parking lot I witnessed a mother embracing her daughter, the same way I had wanted to hug my child all day long.  Thank you, Lord, for allowing me another day to love my child.  I know I shared that same prayer with that mom last Friday, along with so many other parents.  I cannot say it enough....Thank You, Lord. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

A new kind of Christmas!

I look forward to teaching Josie the true meaning of Christmas as she gets older.  I look forward to telling her the story of Jesus's birth and having her be a part of mid-night Christmas services.  Feeling that special spirit of wishing a Merry Christmas to friends right after midnight, while singing in candle light outside!  Obviously I have fond memories of Christmas growing up!  I remember being in awe of the story of Jesus's birth and the events leading up to it (and still am).  I look forward to making special memories just like these with Josie, and adding in our own traditions as we go! 

I also look forward to making FAMILY a huge part of Christmas!  I want Josie to know that Christmas and family go hand-in-hand.  And naturally, we look forward to doing the fun, more contemporary things surrounding Christmas too, like Santa and Elf-on-a-Shelf and watching Frosty the Snowman and singing silly children's carols! 

 Brandon and I decided years ago that we didn't need much for Christmas, in terms of gifts.  The things we needed, we got.  So the exchanging of gifts between the two of us has become less important.  As a child, climbing out of bed and running downstairs to see what Santa (or even Mom and Dad) had left was so exciting.  As I grew older, I was more excited to witness Christmas through my nieces' and nephews' eyes.  This year I am so excited for Christmas morning!  Not for any gifts Brandon and I might receive, but to see Josie as she sees her new gifts.  I have that giddy feeling welling up inside....I cannot wait to be a part of Josie's Christmas morning.  Even now, she is too young to really understand what's going on, and for that reason, we are only getting her a few items.  But, I still can't wait to see her little face when she sits on her monkey rocking chair or gets to enjoy her new stuff.  It's so fun.......and exciting! 

The point of this entire blog could have easily been summed up in only a sentence or two, but as usual, I have become long winded.  So here it is.....

Experiencing "Christmas as a parent" will be the new and exciting Christmas for me!  Seeing the excitement and joy on Josie's face is going to be even better than any gift I could have ever asked for!  And I truly believe it will only get better as she gets older and we add our own family traditions! 

Now...a couple of pictures!  I was so excited to take Josie to see Santa this year!  I just knew I would get that crying baby in Santa's lap shot!  While we waited in line, Josie laughed and waved at Santa!  Each time he would look up at her she would squeal with delight! But, the second I placed that child on Santa's lap, everything went downhill....quickly.  Here is a picture of Josie and Santa!  It amazes me that she still looks cute even though she is crying! 

This little Christmas dress was made by Jo's Aunt Bug!  It's so freaking cute I can hardly stand it.  Obviously we would like to get some more pictures of Josie in this adorable outfit.  Maybe one where she is actually smiling!  Here is another picture, just to show off how cute this outfit really is!  Sorry it doesn't show her face, Aunt Bug!
Oh my cute!  Our tiny little Santa's helper!  This little tiny lady is by far the greatest gift her Mommy and Daddy could have ever received! 

Ahhh....I do love this time of year! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Hair Hair everywhere

I find it hilarious that my 12 month old toddler has more hair than most 5 year olds.  She was born with a head full of hair and it has grown and grown and grown.  We were rocking some pigtails by 5 months of age and a full pony tail by 8 months.  Most kids don't have that kind of hair....but our Jo is EXTRAordinary!

This morning I bribed her to stay still with a biscuit while I recreated a cute hair style her Nannie did while we were home for Thanksgiving!  It doesn't look nearly as cute as her Nannie's, but I tried.  So...maybe an A- or B+ for effort!  While we were home for Thanksgiving Nannie and I gave Jo's hair the slightest of trims...just to even things up a bit.  You would never have known and it looks much healthier!

(Don't mind the scissors there on the table within arms reach of the 12 month old.  Ha!)
She looks like such a big girl with her hair done in braids (sorry I don't have a picture of the front....but trust's cute).  All this hair and the pretty auburn color gets the kid a lot of attention, but she carries it well!  We sure do love this munchkin!  Now...I just need someone to have the patience to teach me other ways to do her hair...and her to have the patience to sit still while I do it!  If I have to bribe her with a biscuit each time, we might be in trouble!  Have a happy Monday!