Monday, March 29, 2010

Who's writing this book?

I had a nice reminder from a great friend Saturday night. Sometimes some issues are out of our hands. Although we can help to shape and guide our futures, "we don't get to write our own stories." Those are the words she said to me!

I can not tell you the immediate comfort and calm that swept over me after she said this! I guess friends and family have a way of doing this, saying the things no one can say...whether simple or complex, in a way no else can match. Some things are just out of my hands. Although I can choose the paths I take, I can not always control the outcome. I just have to remember to keep the faith that my destination is located some where on the path I end up taking. And if it's not, I will have to find strength that that is the way things were meant to be for me.

If I don't get to write my own story, I should pay more attention to the one that is written for me.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Bad News Bears.....

The only thing we are missing is the drunken coach (I love Walter Matthau).....and if this team strays any farther...we might even have one of those.

*Side note- Brandon is the coach*

Yep, we're a Motley crew.....this Co-Ed softball team of ours. Pretty rough around the edges, zero discipline or organization, and maybe even less natural talent. And that was just in our warm-up throws.

You should really see us on the field. That's where we shine our brightest....Poster children for ADHD, whining, and discombobulation. Will we be the good guys out on the field or the bad guys? The protagonists of this silly story or the disliked antagonists? That is yet to be determined. But one thing is for darn sure.....

We are gonna have fun figuring it out! Ball! And let's go Inglorious Batters!!!

*There will be much more to come about this co-ed softball team, as I am sure it will supply me with several comical stories this summer!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

That's why it's a movie

This morning I had the joy of working out and watching The Bourne Identity (if you can call working out a "joy"). It was pretty awesome (heh) and I am pumped to know our new gym location (closer to our house) has a cardio theater room.

As I am moving and shaking (or jiggling) on my elliptical machine and enjoying the featured presentation...I noticed there were several car chases during this movie. Which brings me to my observation/point/blah blah moment....

How is it possible that every car chase on TV and in movies is perfect. These vehicles can do 180-360 degree turns/turnarounds and just continue driving without any problems. I can barely pull out of my driveway without doing a 3 point turn!!! Just once...I would like to see the main character/good guy/bad guy/cop (whatever) do a full speed 180 spin, then say "Oh gessh...I really over shot that. Just let me reverse....and straighten up."

I guess things don't have to ALWAYS be realistic. That's why they are movies.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I love bagels! And I love how Brandon says bagel. Like it should be spelled bahy-gil. Makes me laugh every time. If you watch the show Community....I swear last weeks episode poking fun at Brita was a scene straight from our lives!

As much as I love bagels, I rarely eat them. They have so many carbs. And Everything carb-filled loves, are generally 250+ calories. So, this love-hate relationship I have with E.B. (everything bagel) has been hard on me. Especially since Brandon purchased E.B. last week and enjoyed them all week long.

Today, at the grocery, I was on a mission to find a reasonable replacement that I was comfortable with. the bread aisle, I swear there was a Heavenly light (ahem...fluorescent) pushing me in the right direction. And in that moment I was directed to the Thomas section. And as I fumbled with this package on the shelf, and lifted it towards my cart, I am pretty sure there was a choir singing Hallelujah somewhere near by. Or maybe that was just in my heart!

I am so proud to introduce my new friend. I can tell...this is just the beginning of a beautiful friendship!

This beautiful, delicious, and heavenly package contains "Bagel Thins". Basically the outer breading of the bagels...without the inch of filler bread. So..all the good stuff!! The are only 110 calories per bagel (HEHEEE...still so overjoyed) and only 1 gram of fat. They still have quite a few carbs, but seriously...this has to be a give and take friendship....AND I WILL TAKE IT!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Don't worry...I have a plan

This is what I would like to do this spring/summer-

Have you seen the movie Yes, Man? I really hope your answer is YES! Better yet, have you read the book? The book is perfect! The's pretty good! Made even better by one of my favorite actresses Miss Zooey Deschanel! I adore her...cute as a button and an incredible voice!

Anywho....There is the most wonderful activity called "Jogging Photography" and I would very much like to be in a class like this! I plan to research if there are any local classes....or if it's even an activity in the real world. If not...Maybe I will start my own class. Any takers?? Anyone? You? Basically I don't want to look like a freak out there running and snapping pictures all by myself. It would be less freakish if I were not alone. What about now? Any takers? Anyone?

Surely there is a technique to this. Once I perfect my jogging photo skills and you see the amazing results, you will probably be begging to be in my class. But, oops...sorry, now there is a waiting list. You are #18. No worries!

But, truly, almost each time I am outside running I have at least one moment where I say "Man, I wish I had my camera." Combining jogging and photography might be tricky. I don't think jogging with my Nikon around my neck will be very comfortable...So I may have to resort to one of our older digital cameras.

If you haven't seen the movie...go watch it. Then let me know that you have watched it. That way maybe you will be inspired to say YES to more things. And that's when I will ask you if you would like to be my freak-friend and take pictures while running! And you will feel obligated (inspired) to say yes! I can feel our bond growing already!!

For the record I tried really hard to find a still image of Zooey and Jim partaking in Jogging Photography class to add to this blog. All I could find was a video....and I don't know how to put videos on here. Sorry. Instead, please enjoy this picture of one of my favorite running spots near my house!

Monday, March 8, 2010

I would be a 4 course meal!

When I was running this evening one of those turkey buzzards kept circling around above me. Needless to say I was happy when I finally made it home. And thrilled to learn I was still alive!

I am sure it (the turkey buzzard) was thinking the chunky girl can't make it too far and if it hung in there long enough I would make a great meal. fact! Poor thing, I hate to be the one to burst another's bubble.