Saturday, December 31, 2011

Like most new moms

As a new mom, I have spent lots of time thinking about the subject I am sure most new moms think can I possibly work it out so that I don't have to go back to work or put my lil peanut in daycare.

I have been thinking about this quite a bit and have yet to come up with a brilliant solution, although I have managed to come up with several ideas that are improbable and impractical (so I am not making much progress).

Option 1:
Make arts and crafts and sell them. 
Problem- Who would buy these arts and crafts?  I doubt there are many people wishing to purchase macaroni jewelry or scrap booking paper collages. 

Option 2:
Marry a billionaire.  Crap. (Kidding, Brandon)

Option 3:
Win the lottery.
Problem- I must play the lottery to win the lottery.

Option 4:
Sell all my personal items to earn extra cash.
Problem- Refer to the problem in Option 1.  Yeah, most of my jewelry is edible, so what?

As you can see I have had limited opportunities to really think about this.  Needless to say my maternity leave is about half over and although I spend most of my time trying to take care of a newborn, I may need to focus less on that and more on trying to figure out how I can avoid going
back to work.  (Kidding...this baby is well taken care of, trust me)

The thought of going back to work breaks my heart, but I know right now we don't have any other options.  Josie will be like most children I know these days and attend day care.  I grew up a day care child and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, other than it breaks my heart to think of someone else getting to spend the day with my munchkin.....and not me.  It's crazy.....40 years ago it was nearly unheard of for women to work, especially after having children.  These days, it seems as though most women are returning to the workplace after welcoming babies.  In fact, out of all my friends, I only have a rare few who are stay at home moms.  Oh how times have changed.  I just wish it was my choice and not necessity.  I wish I had the chance to choose to return to work because I wanted to, not because I had to.  Some day I may get to choose, but for now......I will enjoy these next few weeks and continue to think of solutions to my new mom dilemma.  If you have any ideas that are more logical than the ones I stated above, please share! 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Don't ask my least not yet

Yeah...I am a bad blogger lately, I know.  I can't seem to find time to go to the bathroom these days, so writing blogs is definitely not on the top of my list.  But....Daddy has Miss Josie, so this may be a good time to get some words on paper.

The only thing I am worse at than blogging is Christmas shopping.  I have every intention to start (and finish) my Christmas shopping tomorrow, December 20th.  What?  Better late than never, right?

I have been a mother now for nearly 5 weeks, so obviously I am a wealth of Mommy-Knowledge.  In reality I have learned quite a bit in the short amount of time Josie has been here, but unfortunately, most of it is about myself and not about mothering.  I love how everyone has some piece of advice to offer new moms.  Honestly, I have appreciated most of the advice I have received, but I find it funny that so many people want to throw out their two cents.  I am sure it will be no time at all that I will be telling other new moms to sleep when the baby sleeps.

I don't like this piece of advice (which everyone already knows).  For most functioning adults sleeping throughout the day is hard.  Yes, at first the baby sleeps during the day quite a bit, but after only a couple of weeks they start to stay awake for longer periods of time. only "me free time"  is when this child is sleeping.  So if I want to shower (ha...right) or eat or fold clothes or WHATEVER it needs to be done while she is in a milk coma.  Sleeping during the day has become kind of a joke for me (although I won't lie, the occasional nap is totally necessary, for prolonged sanity).

A lot of women suffer from postpartum syndrome after giving birth.  Thankfully I did not have any baby blues.  I did, however, suffer from a new syndrome that I created all on my own, it was called "post-pissed-tum syndrome".  Basically everything my sweet husband did annoyed me and I would get pissed at him.  I think it was honestly because I was bitter that he was getting to sleep at night.  Nothing flared post-pissed-tum more than a 3am feeding while listening to my husband snore in his blissful slumber.  I also believe it was a bi-product of me not getting enough sleep (should have listened to all those people who told me to sleep when the baby was sleeping...humph).  Although my condition is not completely cured, I will say it has gotten better and I think I have stopped taking everything out on Brandon, because no matter how I try to spin it, it's not his fault that the Thursday night shows were re-runs last week (poor guy). 

People always say to be careful that boy babies don't pee on you.  No one warns the parents of baby girls.  I wish someone had warned me.  This child pees on me at least once a day.  I think it has become a game for her.  Just yesterday she came within millimeters of getting urine in my eye.  She may be trying to blind me....I am not sure yet.  All I know is I will be keeping a close eye on her from now on. 

Speaking of pee.....It's amazes me how quickly women can go from the pregnant lady crazy-urgent need to pee to this new mom pee phase where I swear you can go all day long with a full bladder, but no urgency to go and absolutely no likelihood of peeing on yourself (and yes, I realize this blog talks a lot about pee.  I don't know why, but I may start looking into this).  People always say they are fascinated by the human brain, not me....I am truly fascinated by the female bladder. 

Everything in my life now revolves around a 3-4 hour time schedule (Josie's feeding schedule).  If I want to go to Target, I have to plan my outing around when the last time Josie ate was and when she will eat again.  It's amazing how quickly a day can pass when working in 3 hour increments.  There are some days where I swear I can't tell you anything productive that I did, yet I hadn't stopped all day long.  I sooo look forward to Josie's feeding schedule extending, even slightly, and then maybe I can have more than one destination during outings. 

I joke around a lot, but truth be told....being a new mom is freaking amazing!  Josie is the coolest little baby and I am constantly in awe of her.  She is mellow and happy and incredible!  Every day is something new and exciting.  Don't get me wrong, there are some nights where all I want her to do is sleep an extra 45 minutes (and I am not above begging a 4 1/2 week old to go back to sleep), but most of the time...I just want to be near her...she's that awesome!  And she's all ours...and we know how blessed we are already!

And now....a couple of new photos.....

One of our first captured smiles!

Little lady in a big crib! 

 Daddy's first time getting to feed Josie

Monday, December 12, 2011

Maybe never

This isn't a real blog....just a quick note to make note that I may never have time to write another blog again.  Maybe when I go back to work....and have some free time (Haha..just kidding).

Josie is amazing and it's hard to believe that on Thursday she will be 4 weeks old!  We will post some cute pictures soon as I find the time!