Saturday, October 6, 2012

My very first "baby"

About 2 months ago we learned that my sweet dog, Noah, had lymphoma.  I was a complete wreck when learning this news.  Noah has been an amazing dog since day 1.  He's smart, and strong, but totally gentle.  He's cuddly and a complete coward (most of the time)...but that's why I love him.  Once a leaf fell from a tree while we were at the park and it nearly scared the doggie pants off of him.  True story.

Noah has been by my side through good and bad, and like most good dogs, he has always been stubbornly loyal!  He may play fetch with any stranger, but don't be mistaken, he's a mama's boy through and through.  We have a bond I didn't know dogs and owners had, until I had a dog of my own.  I guess this is what has made this so hard.  I have to make decisions that are good for Noah, not for me.  Selfishly...I want to make the decision that mean I get more time with Noah. But, being a good doggie mama means sometimes making the toughest of choices...... and about 4 weeks ago we chose to stop his chemo treatments.  The vets initially told us we might have anywhere from 2-6 months with him before the cancer came back and made him sick again. 

Noah returned to the vet today as he had a rough week.  We think our time with this sweet and amazing dog might be drawing to a close.  I imagine we only have a matter of weeks and my heart breaks.  Obviously I never assumed it would be easy to say good bye, I just never imagined it would be so hard. 

Here are a few pictures of my very first baby!  The sweetest creature who initially taught me a little about responsibility!  I sure hope his journey to the rainbow bridge is pain free and peaceful!  And full of love!  I will certainly be meeting him there one day with a ball in hand! 

We love you, Noah.  I silently pray all the time you know that.  Josie thinks you are funny and laughs at you often.  You are so gentle with her...and I can tell you adore her!  You are all of us and basically all who have ever met you!  Thank you for being a good boy!  Always!