Saturday, December 31, 2011

Like most new moms

As a new mom, I have spent lots of time thinking about the subject I am sure most new moms think can I possibly work it out so that I don't have to go back to work or put my lil peanut in daycare.

I have been thinking about this quite a bit and have yet to come up with a brilliant solution, although I have managed to come up with several ideas that are improbable and impractical (so I am not making much progress).

Option 1:
Make arts and crafts and sell them. 
Problem- Who would buy these arts and crafts?  I doubt there are many people wishing to purchase macaroni jewelry or scrap booking paper collages. 

Option 2:
Marry a billionaire.  Crap. (Kidding, Brandon)

Option 3:
Win the lottery.
Problem- I must play the lottery to win the lottery.

Option 4:
Sell all my personal items to earn extra cash.
Problem- Refer to the problem in Option 1.  Yeah, most of my jewelry is edible, so what?

As you can see I have had limited opportunities to really think about this.  Needless to say my maternity leave is about half over and although I spend most of my time trying to take care of a newborn, I may need to focus less on that and more on trying to figure out how I can avoid going
back to work.  (Kidding...this baby is well taken care of, trust me)

The thought of going back to work breaks my heart, but I know right now we don't have any other options.  Josie will be like most children I know these days and attend day care.  I grew up a day care child and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, other than it breaks my heart to think of someone else getting to spend the day with my munchkin.....and not me.  It's crazy.....40 years ago it was nearly unheard of for women to work, especially after having children.  These days, it seems as though most women are returning to the workplace after welcoming babies.  In fact, out of all my friends, I only have a rare few who are stay at home moms.  Oh how times have changed.  I just wish it was my choice and not necessity.  I wish I had the chance to choose to return to work because I wanted to, not because I had to.  Some day I may get to choose, but for now......I will enjoy these next few weeks and continue to think of solutions to my new mom dilemma.  If you have any ideas that are more logical than the ones I stated above, please share! 

1 comment:

  1. Daycare cost a lot of money, and your baby will be sick a lot in the beginning. Which means she will share it with the family and more doctor bills. Look at what you will bring home after daycare cost. Then look at ways to save. We make our laundry and dish detergent. Buy in bulk when on sale. Spend time daily on organizing/searching for coupons. Eat at home and eat left overs. Shop at consignments. Dog sitting or even part time baby sitting. If you can save half of what you will bring home then it will be worth staying home. There is always the option of working part time or around your hubby's schedule if possible. Good luck,it is sad how life is these days but sometimes there is no way around it.
