Saturday, September 22, 2012

Update- The Crying Game

Oh My.....
As you may have read in my last post, we set out re-train Josie to sleep in her crib all night long.  My mind was set on the "cry it out" method.  So, Brandon and I put on our "tough love" pants and decided that Thursday night would be THE NIGHT our lives changed, at least in terms of sleep/exhaustion.

Night 1:
Dear Heavens......I had no idea my daughter could be as stubborn, hard headed and strong willed (I's all redundant) as her father as this!  75 minutes.  75-stinking-minutes.  That is how long our kid cried, refusing to give in and fall asleep.  I can't tell you how many times we questioned the "cry it out" method or how many times I wanted to crack and pick her up and concede to her sleeping in our bed until she leaves for college. 

To put it bluntly, the first night was hell. Once she finally gave in and fell asleep, she was much easier to deal with the rest of the night.  She woke up a couple of times, but was able to self-soothe within only a couple of minutes.

Night 2:
I was dreading night 2.  She started crying when we went into the nursery for quiet time with a bottle and I just knew it was going to be a repeat of night 1.  Night 2 crying lasted all of about 4 minutes.  4-amazing minutes and she didn't wake up once until 5:30am.  Say hello to a full night's sleep!

Night 3:
Approximately 37 seconds of crying.  And OUT! 

I am not saying the "cry it out" method is right.  Especially not for everyone.  If you had asked me on the first night I would have warned you to stay away. Stay far, far away! And I am certainly not saying our issues are solved.  Night 2 and 3 Josie was exhausted, so I am certain that helped her fall asleep quickly.  I am sure we will continue to struggle with these routines and practices.  But, as of right works.  It's tough, it's sad and can be heartbreaking, but it works.  A rested (or semi-rested) mama is a much happier mama!

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