Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Growing up

It is hard to believe that my sweet husband and I are once again celebrating birthdays.  Where does the time go?  I find it hard to believe that another year has passed, we are this much older, and our daughter is nearly 18 months.

Happy Birthday to my amazing husband.  Thank you for being you.  You always make me laugh and your sense of humor is only one of the many reasons I am head over heels in love with you.  You are such a fantastic husband.  Before Josie was born, I thought I couldn't possibly love you more.  But, now, I see you with her and my heart swells.  Being a Dad comes so very nature to you.  It's like you were born to be a parent!  Josie loves you so much and I love watching her face light up when she sees you!  She laughs hardest and longest when playing with you.....and there is nothing sweeter!

I will cherish the fact that I get to watch the relationship between the two of you grow as she grows.  She is by far the most perfect and amazing gift you could have ever given to me!  Thank you!  Thank you for your continued love, patience, support and happiness.  Thank you for Josie.  Thank you for the life we get to have as a family of three!  It's more than I could have ever dreamed of.....and I am grateful!

Happy Birthday, my love! 

And now....a picture of our little sweetie (because it's my birthday and I can do what I want) showing off her super long hair!  Doesn't she look so grown up with all that hair?  Sweet girl!

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