Monday, July 22, 2013

No need to get cocky

It's amazing how even after 19 months with countless colds, stomach viruses, rashes and fevers (we really love daycare) we can still feel helpless when presented with new illnesses.  This past weekend was a big one for our family (more on that later) and we were practically busy from sun-up to sun-down Friday and Saturday.  She missed a nap and definitely didn't eat her normal meals and certainly came way off her normal schedule.  So when Josie started having issues late Saturday night, we just assumed it was from over exhausted (no nap and lots of play time).  We quickly came to understand that whatever was going on wasn't just being tired.  She was uncomfortable.  Brandon was scared she was in a lot of pain.  I didn't know what to think, but she was screaming.  And most of the time she was screaming for me, while I was holding her.  This really broke my heart (and kind of freaked me out).  I won't lie....I considered taking her to the hospital.  We didn't know what else to do.  We had never experienced this with her before.  Almost as quickly as we got her settled down and back to sleep, she was up having another episode.  This went on all night long.  The screaming/crying episodes were accompanied with thrashing of her arms and legs.  It was awful.  And really scary. 

Brandon noticed her little feet had a red rash and he wondered if she had gotten a virus.  I had determined she must be suffering with gas after having eaten terrible that day and no major BM.  I probably shouldn't quit my day job to become a doctor. So much for mother's intuition. 

By morning Josie had blisters all over her little mouth, hands and feet.  She also had a diaper rash to rival most others she has experienced.  I spent most of the morning texting family and friends who had spent the two previous days loving on our baby.  There is nothing quite like an early morning wake up call "Hey...the kid is sick.  Hope yours don't get it".  We spent all day Sunday lounging around and trying to stay as low-key as possible.  I have watched enough Barney to satisfy several lifetimes. 

This morning we headed off to the doctor to confirm that, indeed, the little peanut has Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease.  This fun filled virus has a 3-6 day incubation period.  She likely caught it from someone at daycare last week and had it for several days before showing signs.  I called daycare this morning to give them the head's up and they told me they had already sent 2 kids home with the same symptoms.

All it takes is one virus to remind you that you don't have it figured out.  When Jo was a little baby and we experienced sicknesses and illnesses for the first time I was always so scared.  Are we doing things right?  Did we give her the right medicine? But, after a while,  you get used to these things and you don't question your actions.  Just when we thought we had it all under control.......she threw us a curve ball.  Babies are good like that...always keeping us on our toes.  It will take a few days, but she will get better.  And we will build our confidence up again.  And once again, she will remind us that we don't know all the answers. 

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