Friday, August 5, 2011

My husband, the Runner

About three months ago my amazing husband decided to take up running, again. When Brandon was a bit younger he did quite a bit of running and if my memory serves me correctly, he even joined a running club that did long runs (7-10 miles) at least once a week. So running is not a new sport to Brandon, just one he has decided to revisit.

Although Brandon has run with me in the past,his shin splints generally get the best of him and he winds up in so much pain it's just not worth it. I think this time around, he simply ran through the pain and out of the shin splints, like Forrest Gump and those tacky leg braces, except B's shin splints weren't visible to the rest of the world. And although he gets plagued by the pain every now and again, for the most part his shins are doing much better.

This is the best Forrest Gump, leg braces picture I could find.

I am so proud of how far Brandon has come in the past couple of months. He has become a pretty dedicated runner. Running through this dreadful heat and humidity is enough to make any runner want to quit!

Tonight Brandon will have his second trail race. Tonight...he conquers.....

Here is a map of the Haw Ridge Trail Race (which might as well be written in Japanese)

I love the fact that he is a runner now, but I HATE that he decided to revisit this passion while I am unable to join in. While he spends his evenings bettering himself, I spend my evenings flailing around on the couch. Do you know I have to use a "roll move" to get out of bed now? Brandon jokes that once this baby is born and the doctor gives me the okay to start running again, he will probably take another "break" from the sport. I generally reply by mumbling curse words under my breath and giving him the look of death.

While Brandon is out working hard and getting in shape, I am taking on a whole new shape of my own. Speaking of morbidly obese......I have started to swell. By the end of most days I usually look like this....

The only difference is I don't have the cute sailor outfit or the hat.

In truth, I am very proud of Brandon! He is working really hard and his hard work is paying off. I can't wait to start running with him this winter! I can't wait for us to include Josie (in a stroller, of course. We don't expect she will be a good enough runner to keep up with us right away) in our runs! Hopefully this time next year, both Brandon and I will be gearing up for the Haw Ridge Trail Race 2012! Good Luck Brandon! I know you will do great!!!

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