Thursday, November 14, 2013

Just a few days from 2!

I wish that my blogs didn't all start with something along the lines of "It's been so long", "I am a bad blogger", or "Sorry", but they do.  I often think to myself "I should blog about this" or upload pictures, but inevitably something else comes up.  Whether it be the attention stealing toddler or work or a tv show that has been in my DVR for over 6 weeks that my husband threatens to delete or a stronger desire to sleep....something else always comes up!  This past year I have not been a great blogger and although I would love to make promises to be better, I am pretty sure sporadic is as much as I can promise!  In reality it may be time to say bye-bye to the old blog, but there is a part of me that refuses to let go!  So for now....I will continue with my random updates!  Just know...I wish it was more!

And now...on to the update-

This Sunday Miss Josie turns 2 years old!  How is that possible?  This past year has been so much fun with her!  Josie's personality and character have really developed over the past 12 months and she is truly blossoming into a funny, energetic, happy little girl (most of the time).  

Josie started taking Gymnastic classes about two weeks ago and so far she loves it!  It's absolutely hysterical and completely exhausting (for Brandon and I)!  

Josie speaks pretty well for a 2 year old, at least in my opinion.  She strings several words together and speaks in sentences more often then not.  She has a wide variety of words she uses and I am always impressed with her memory.  Just the other day she reminded me that they sprayed water on her hair when she got it cut.......back in June.  She is FINALLY paci free (going on about 5 weeks)!  And she only a stone's throw from being potty trained!  We have days where she uses the potty 95% of the time, and days where she only uses it when it's convenient.  I think she will be diaper free by the end of the year!  Or at least....that's my hope!

Speaking of's long.  We have had it cut twice now.  Once last Thanksgiving when we were in IL and again in June.  Both times no more than one inch was cut.  Next time we are in IL we will likely get it cut again.  I would love to chop off several inches and give her hair a chance to grow back healthy and strong, but I am not certain I can convince her dad of that.  

She is so very strong willed, already!  There will always be a part of me that says that's the redhead in her, although it may also have a lot to do with the fact that she is 2!  Josie can throw a fit with the best of them.  And, yes, it's terribly embarrassing.  But, for the most part, it's typical 2-year old behavior.  I have several friends who tell me the Terrible 2's are nothing compared to the Terrible 3's.  Oh great...that just means this next year she will perfect the art of tantrums and come back in another year to truly test our patience!

She loves her friends at school and her family and I love her loyalty already!  Josie is a very sweet little girl and I can't wait to see her grow up and into the person she was meant to be.  Brandon and I hope that we can eventually give her a little brother or sister, but that won't be happening anytime soon!  We are often reminded that she is our little miracle baby!  The one we were never guaranteed!  But she has certainly changed our lives for the best!  She has taught us so much and tested us many times, and at the end of each day she fills our hearts!  Happy Birthday sweet Josie!  Although you are only 2 years old, you are already the most amazing little person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing!  We love you! 

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