Monday, May 16, 2011

The second semester....

As of this Friday, I will officially be in the second trimester (or as I keep referring to it, the second semester). Here is our beautiful baby, as of last week!

In case you don't see what is happening here, this is a profile shot of Baby Bice, his/her little face is on the right side, with his/her body on the left! It amazes me to think that next month (6/16 to be exact) we will be finding out if the baby is a he or a she.

Things have been pretty good. I have been working hard to keep Crazy-Lauren in check and it seems to be helping. I recently read Jenny McCarthy's Belly Laughs. It's pretty freaking funny and made me feel so much better about Crazy-Lauren and some of the other "experiences" I have already had while pregnant. Which leads me to this....

Belly Bands...(I know it sounds like "buddy bands" from Saved By The Bell, but they are not nearly as cool)

These gorgeous looking things are often used during pregnancy. They are designed to provide belly support later in pregnancy (when the baby bump is more like a speed hump), but they can also be used in early pregnancy. These belly bands can be used to help women who aren't quite into maternity clothing and can still (sort of) fit into their pre-pregnancy clothing. Basically if you wear your regular pre-pregnancy pants, but can't quite get them buttoned, these bands come to your rescue. They allow you to wear your pants unbuttoned and possibly even half zipped, but they are tight enough to flatten the pants to looking normal and keep them secure at your waist. They help to prolong your pre-pregnancy pant wearing!

I have only worn the belly band a couple of times so far, but I am certain it is about to become a major fixture in my wardrobe. I am still able to wear about 85% of my pre-preggo pants, but I truly think that time is coming to a startlingly quick end. It's not that I can't fit into my's just not comfortable (or attractive). Although, I must admit, these bands don't exactly scream "flattering"! But there is a part of me that is totally freaked out that my pants are going to fall and I won't even notice (It's like that dream where you go to school naked. How you got there without noticing some sort of draft is a mystery).

I have noticed while browsing maternity clothing that most pants/shorts have giant belly bands attached (sewn in) to the front panel of the garment. Unless you are seriously sporting a baby bump, these pants do you no good. There aren't many great options for those who are slightly uncomfortable in their regular clothes yet not ready for serious baby bump sewn in belly bands. I guess that's where these detached belly bands come into play. I guess I should be grateful that there is at least an option.

So...if you see me around town and it looks as if I have my pants unbuttoned and slightly unzipped, it's probably because I do. Please don't point and laugh...unless they actually hit the ground, in which case....I had it coming.

1 comment:

  1. Lindsey ValentineTuesday, 24 May, 2011

    Someone gave me the idea of a redneck version of a belly band! Take a hair rubberband & first wrap it around the button part, then take the other side of the rubberband and put it through the the hole and loop it back around the button. I liked doing this because it was not as hot as the belly band. The only problem is sometimes your zipper also wil stay unzipped and you have to wear a longer loose fitting shirt. You should also check out Old Navy at Turkey Creek, they have cute maternity clothing that is more size appropriate for people who are not tall. I could never wear clothing (pants) from kohls or motherhood maternity because I was to short. So I would wear dresses, lots of scrub bottoms, or things with drawstrings. I may have a pair of pants and one pair of shorts you may be able to use. I will look for them.
