Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hair today, gone tomorrow....

One of the little talked about secrets of being pregnant is the amazing effect it has on a woman's hair.  I don't know if its the prenatal vitamins or the pregnant body itself, but being pregnant can do wonders for the hair.  I realize this may not be a big deal to you thick haired women (hmph), but for us stringy, straggly, thinned hair individuals, being pregnant is like 9 months of living the life of a stranger.  A stranger with salon worthy hair!

During the pregnancy I don't think I shed a single hair, seriously.  To my husband's delight he wasn't constantly picking my long hairs off his clothing or wiping it from the bathroom sink.  I am pretty sure that all of the hairs that were saved from the bristles of my hairbrush somehow graced the scalp of my child, too.  Like some sort of hair club for fetuses.....a regenerating hair club type of thing.   

Considering the fact that I was born bald, I find this hilarious (for so many reason, really).  But, seriously, there are kindergartners with less hair than this.  She was born with a head full of hair and it seems to be the fastest growing thing on her body.  She's two months old and still a peanut, but if you count the length/weight of her hair she might actually bust through to the upper 25th percentile for her age (which she has yet to do....seriously...she's a peanut).  With this hair she often gets mistaken for a child of a much older age, 10 or even 12 weeks!

Obviously I don't have any solid proof to back up this "fetus regenerating hair" theory....I am not a scientist for crying out loud.  Which, by the way, the only reason I am not a scientist, one of several reasons why I am not a scientist, just the tip of the iceberg of why I am not a scientist or business major, is because I could never pass Statistics (dang stats). that the baby is here (and flaunting her fabulous hair) my hair is falling out faster than I can say Rogaine for Women.  It's looks like my privileged life of a thick mane has passed.  How quickly I forgot how annoying it was to have my long hairs following me around everywhere.  Hanging off my clothing and clogging the sink of my bathroom.  Gone are the days of pretending I am in a Suave Commercial (because my thicker hair looked both practical AND affordable, not like those fancy salon shampoo commercials).  Gone are the days of running my fingers through my hair without feeling like I could weave a sweater with what was left on my hand. 

Just so we are clear.....this is not me.  I have hazel eyes.

Returning back to the ranks of those with thin, stringy hair has been hard.  It's time to reinvest in shampoos that promise to thicken my locks.  It's time to start practicing the phrase "I am not just a spokesperson, I am also a client"!  If nothing else, when Josie grows up, she will probably have plenty of hair to make a wig for her poor Mama.  It's either that or prolonged pregnancy for the rest of my life (and I am pretty sure Brandon isn't on board for that)!

So live it up pregnant ladies and those with naturally thick hair.  For now, you have the spotlight (back)....but one of these days I will return to your special world.  Thick, full, beautiful, shed-free scalp and all!

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