Thursday, January 26, 2012

Say it ain't so.....

I had a major scare today with the baby.....

Each day I try to put aside at least an hour to truly educate myself on current events, worldly matters and the economic/political crisis going on in this country.  This one hour period is commonly known around my house as The Ellen DeGeneres Show. there any better way to spend an hour each morning?  No.  There is not.

Today, as I was catching up on worldly matters Josie was getting upset.  I started to notice a pattern in her crankiness and the pattern was terribly alarming.  It seemed as though Josie was calm and easily soothed during each and every commercial break, but crying dramatically each time the show came back on.  Oh Lord, please say it ain't so?!  Is it possible my child may not like Ellen?  This may not even be my child.  Could she have gotten switched at the hospital with another newborn with more personality?? 

This is a picture of Josie during a commercial break.  Somewhat content.  I know what you are thinking, a baby with this kind of hair already has tons of personality.  You are correct.....she truly does.

And here she is once Ellen was back on.  Although she was not crying when this picture was taken (it's hard to take a photo of her when she cries as she tends to squirm) you can see the furrow of the brow, which leads quickly to tears.

We had a scare very similar to this about a month ago when we were in the car.  She cried through an entire Journey song and I nearly turned the car around and headed straight to the hospital to demand my "true" daughter. 

A daughter who doesn't like Ellen or Journey?  How will we ever share interests or conduct conversations?  Is this even possible?  Do we even share the same DNA?  I have a lot of work ahead of me to teach her the fine things in life.  We will start tomorrow with an hour of current events and hot topics, followed by an hour of musical education.

Who knows.....maybe it was just gas.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness this cracked me up. I love it! She is adorable. Hope you can teach her some good taste....a mama's job is never done!
