Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The first, of many, very important life lessons

Brandon and I bought Josie a little potty about 3 weeks ago.  Considering she is only 15 months old, we recognize this may be slightly premature.  But, in our defense, there are several mornings where Josie wakes up completely dry.  Our reasoning would be to stick her on the potty immediately upon waking up dry.  How long could it really take for her to go the bathroom after holding it all night?  Can you guess how many times we have actually gotten her on the potty first thing in the morning? Let me help you here and offer a hint... It starts with zero.

Even though we are not using the potty like pros yet (please note yet is the important word here), we talk about it regularly and she sits on it at least once a day.  This evening right before bedtime she was making a huge fuss to sit on the tiny toilet. So, I got her ready and sat her on there.  She did her usual "sit down, stand up, sit down, stand up, look in the tiny bowl" routine several times.  Then, she sat down, stayed still and got very serious.  She was making all the sounds of an adult trying to use the restroom and I laughed while saying to Brandon, "she sounds like she is really trying to go"!

Then.......she stands up.  And the tiny toilet bowl is empty.  Yeah....She's 15 months old, shes not going to pee or poop in the potty, yet.  But, she continues her sit down, stand up routine a few more times.  I promise I only took my eyes off of her for 3 seconds, but I look up and guess what I see......?

She pooped!-  YEP!!!

Next...... To. The. Potty.  - uhhhh Yep.

On the floor.  - hmmm yep.


I honestly think Josie knew she needed to go and had the absolute right intentions.  Unfortunately we would rather not encourage floor pooping.  But, this entire experience was a perfect lead into one of the more valuable life lessons we have discussed with Josie so far- Close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades.

*and yes, I am aware this is the type of stuff most people do not want to hear about and she will be completely mortified by this one day.

**it should also be noted that we realize now we invested in the wrong type of potty.  Who wants to clean pee and poop after each successful go?  Not us.  We will be looking into something that attaches to the toilet seat.


  1. We're going for the toilet seat add-on, too. Joaquin says "Poo Poo" ALL the time... before he poops, after he poops, when he farts, when someone ELSE is in the bathroom. He pretty much always accuses *someone* of pooping. It's a hilarious journey, and it's barely getting started!

  2. Oh my goodness....that's too funny! He is a hoot! We actually just got a toilet seat add-on from one of our neighbors. We haven't tried it out yet, but we are hoping it makes our lives a little easier!
