Sunday, April 4, 2010

Oh my gosh...It's April!

First, Happy Easter to all!

Second, a one day early Happy Birthday shout out to JoElla! Tomorrow she will celebrate her 28th (OMG) birthday! And for these brief few weeks....we are equal in age (you could almost say I am younger...ok no, you can't). "old lady" jokes until May! TAKE THAT!

Today I returned to Cokesbury United Methodist Church. I started attending Cokesbury about 6-8 months ago, but have not been in quite a while. I am so thankful that I not only got my act together this morning so that I could return, but that I attended today's Easter Worship! One of the best things about Cokesbury's West Campus (the location I attend) is the music. Contemporary services have come a long way over the years and are truly a complete 180 degrees different from the style of service I grew up attending. The music during this service can take your breath away. Guitars, harmonicas, drums, saxophones, electric guitars...and I kid you not, today there was a cow bell! It took all I had to not stand and say "I need more cowbell! MORE COWBELL!" When I decided to start looking around at new churches, I had already convinced myself that I would not enjoy a contemporary service. Why? I have no idea. I am so grateful that I gave Cokesbury a chance. I love it's a church that gets me. And people my age. And younger people. Even if you are happy with the church you attend, give a contemporary service a try...just to see! Maybe it's not your thing...but I guarantee you will be grateful for the experience!

We have been doing a lot of work in the yard the last couple of weeks. I went against my better judgement and started filling in some of my flower beds with flowers. I am keeping my fingers crossed we don't get another hard freeze. These 80 degree days are a real tease...but hopefully the warmth will continue. This afternoon I plan to trim the hedges in our front garden. This should be interesting since I don't normally do this. I am taking it on myself to complete this task...without my husband's knowledge.

Brandon is unaware of my afternoon activity as he is on his first long motorcycle ride of the season. And as motorcycle weather approaches, I begin my season of extra prayers and breath holding. I am rarely concerned with Brandon's actions or driving on the motorcycle and more concerned with other drivers who are NOT accustomed to paying attention to riders! Safe travels B! And hopefully you don't come home to butchered hedges! Maybe I should do some before and after pictures?? The can be submitted as evidence in the future if needed!

Enjoy this day! Rejoice!
And Love one another!

UPDATE: I wish I could say that Brandon got home earlier than expected (although he did) and this was the reason I never trimmed our hedges. The truth, though, is that I went outside and took a long hard look at our shrubs. It was more than I wanted to tackle....and instead, decided on spending my time on the back porch painting my nails! Oh well...still time well spent!

1 comment:

  1. in response to the hedges and tying in to your cokesbury experience.....if God wants the hedges to grow and be bountiful, who are we to disagree? please put your trust into God and your husband, who both agree that the hedges look splendid and are the definition of healthy.
