Thursday, July 7, 2011

I may never understand.....

I rarely find myself speechless. Whether it be serious or smart aleck (sp?), I almost always have something to say.

This woman.....

....and the outcome of her recent trial have left me speechless. Most people are well aware of who Casey Anthony is and what she was being tried for. Most of us have our own opinions on what may or may not have happened, and most of us decided long before her trial even began if she was guilty or not guilty.

I continue to try to believe that if a jury of her peers (people just like you and I) could not find enough proof or evidence to conclude that she was guilty of the murder of her sweet child, maybe (just maybe) she in fact is not the responsible party. Although not having enough evidence to convict and actually being guilty of that crime can many times be two VERY separate things.

I have to think the jurors are sick over letting this clearly psychopathic woman walk free. I have to think this is NOT the choice they wanted. But...if you can't prove something, you can't convict, right? And now, even if all the evidence in the world pops up, we could never try this lunatic for the murder of her daughter again (although I am sure they could come up with some new creative charge). If she is not guilty, I just can't figure out what the hell she was doing for those 31 days before she reported Caylee missing.

In the end, my heart goes out to the family and loved ones who lost a perfect, healthy, bright, and beautiful little girl. My heart goes out to the jurors, who had to set free a woman they most likely felt was guilty. I can only imagine how difficult and haunting that must have been. And my heart goes out the the Anthony family....whose name has been dragged through more mud during this trial. Casey Anthony may be free (as of next week), but she, like the rest of us, will one day have to meet her maker. One day she will have to answer for the actions she has taken and I have to assume, if she is guilty, that judgement won't be so light.

I hope Caylee Anthony can rest in peace.

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