Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Little Couple = Huge Impact

I watch too much TV. That would be apparent if you lived with me for one evening. Since you don't live with me, this may become apparent to you after reading this post.

That being said....

I freaking love this show!!!

Actually, to be honest, I love this lady...

(OMG I hate how tiny these pictures are, even when you click on them, but I am too lazy to search for more....sorry)

Nothing against the show (because I love it) or Bill (the sweet hubby), but Jen is a freaking ROCKSTAR! This lady appears to have more drive and determination than most people I know, put together. We all face obstacles in our lives. It's inevitable to meet resistance in one endeavor or more along the way. I imagine, being a little person, Jen has met more resistance than most. I guess the thing I admire most about her is that she does not appear to have ever let her obstacles slow her down. She seems to be an amazing doctor with exactly the right amount of compassion and care. She never complains (at least not on the show) or makes excuses....I know so many people who could learn a lesson or two from her.

I guess I feel like I have a little connection to Jen (in my own weird way). She, too, has had to undergo fertility drugs, shots, and the dreaded (for me) egg retrieval. As I watched last nights episode of Jen's most recent egg retrieval, I could not help but go back to my own experiences. I practically held my breath waiting to learn if any of her eggs were retrieved, then fertilized. I remember, so vividly (mostly because it was just recently) the days of multiple ultrasounds. The days of "are there enough eggs in my ovaries", "are there too many eggs in my ovaries" and of course, the retrieval. Which was painful, both emotionally and physically. I recall waiting to learn how many eggs were retrieved and waiting so nervously to hear if any had fertilized.

Last night's episode was a reminder at what a miracle modern medicine can be. It was also a reminder that there is no guarantee with IVF. You can take all the medicine they advise, endure all the shots, and pay all the money...but in the end you get no guarantee. All you are left with is the faith and hope that things work out the way you wish. Thankfully, Jen and Bill were able to retrieve two more eggs (to add to the one they got from a previous retrieval) and make another embryo (to add to the first one). They now have two embryos! A potential start to their potentially wonderful family!

Just in the past few days I have started to feel Josie's kicks and movements. She is finally strong enough that I know, with out a doubt, that those feelings are indeed kicks and not muscle spasms (or gas...kidding). These kicks are a daily reminder of our personal miracle. Just as I thought, the journey we took to get to Josie has become a distant memory. We celebrate daily the little life within me, but don't reflect on how we got here as often as we probably should. I hope in the near future Jen and Bill are celebrating their growing baby too. I pray, they too, will look back at their journey as a distant memory of where they started....and although they will use a surrogate carrier, I hope the kicks and movements and growing belly will soon be a part of their daily celebrations! Wishing all the luck to this sweet couple.

And if you haven't ever watched this show, take 30 minutes and watch an episode! I guarantee within that half hour you are impressed by the positive attitude and determination of this couple. If you are might be a Communist (which of course you are unlikely to 'fess up whatever...I mean, you're a communist, so why would I even care what you think?).

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