Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I want this.....

After speaking with many running moms, I have decided this is the stroller I must have in order to run with Josie.

This is the BOB stroller and apparently all running moms swear by them! Also, you apparently have to name your first born BOB to get one! Holy smokes these things are expensive. I am currently searching for a used one, along with the rest of the moms in the world.

I am sure you are thinking "Your baby is not even born yet and you aren't supposed to run with babies until they are at least 8 months old, so why worry about it now?" Well.....I am assuming that they don't want new moms running with newborns because baby's sweet little neck is still so unstable. forget that my baby is going to have a GIANT head, because that is the Bice/Ryan way. And with a GIANT head comes abnormally strong neck muscles. And abnormally strong neck muscles can lead to the possibility of being pushed in a jogging stroller at a younger age (maybe 6 months).

I knew these giant heads were going to pay-off at some point. Now I just have to figure out where I can buy a good used or new BOB stroller without having to sell a kidney. Maybe there is a black market for them? Who knows, but if you hear something about a good way to get one for cheap (that is legal), please let me know!

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