Thursday, October 20, 2011

Whale Songs......

I am huge.  Like a whale.  HUGE.  And tired.

Even before getting pregnant I wasn't a great sleeper.  I can fall asleep faster than anyone you know, but I generally wake up in the middle of the night.  Once I wake up, the struggle begins.

Mind you, my above sleep problems were PRIOR to getting pregnant.  They have not improved.  People say stuff like "Oh, this is just preparing you for when you have a baby."  I hate those people (not really....that's just "Tired Lauren" talking). 

These days I wake up 30 times a night to go to the bathroom.  I recognize this is normal and complaining about this won't get me much all pregnant women experience this.  I simply wish I was a better side-sleeper.  Since becoming HUGE, it's important to sleep on my side all the time with a giant pillow between my knees. 

I often wonder what Brandon thinks about the noises I make as I switch from my left side to my right in the middle of the night.  I call them my "whale songs", but they could more accurately be described as disheveled grunts and moans.  Followed by heavy panting....because obviously I am worn out from having to move my core 6 inches from one direction to the other. 

Although Brandon may be accustomed to hearing my nightly whale songs, last night I came upon a new discovery.  I can no longer make the shift from one side to another in one swift move.  Nope....I am so freaking large I have to stop, on my back, in the middle.....regroup.....then continue to the other side.  I am saddened by this new development.  It means I have reached a status even beyond whale.  I don't know what that status might be....but it's quite large.  I am a large, sleep deprived creature. 

Who said pregnancy wasn't beautiful?!

1 comment:

  1. Just stumbled upon your blog. I'm pregnant too, 39 weeks and 2 days. You are so funny, I loved reading what you had to say, and gotta love the whale song :) you should hear mine...
