Sunday, December 6, 2009

Dixie's birthday

On this day, two years ago, our sweet little Dixie was being born. Of course we did not know her for several more months...but today is officially her birthday.

When Brandon and I decided to get another dog, there was not a moment's hesitation in the breed we would get. After having Noah (who by the way is the best dog on this him and dare to disagree) we knew our hearts would only be content with another pit bull. I had my reservations when getting Noah, but that was mostly because I had never spent long periods of time around pit bulls and I was misinformed and uneducated about the breed, as so many people are. And that is understandable, how would you know how special these dogs are unless you had the opportunity to find out. I am thankful for having that opportunity, and now having two incredible dogs.

When deciding on the exact puppy to get, Brandon and I were very picky. I think it's important to note we did not take home the first puppy we met. We met several. We met some pups out in Grainger County. They were sweet, but looked scrawny and their mom and dad were no where to be seen. When picking out a pit bull it was important for us to meet the mom and dad if possible. To me, their temperment and attitude could show a glimpse of how the puppies may turn out (although this is not always the case). We also wanted to see how the owners interacted with the dogs. Dog can be very impressionable, even at a very early age.

In Newport, we found a good looking puppy. She was all white except for a big blue patch on her head. She was going to be a great looking dog. But, the owner was gruff and made no attempt to be compassionate or loving to the puppies. And the adult dogs were in runs in the back yard, and easily excitable. At one point they got so worked up they were getting aggressive, thankfully they were seperated. This was not the type of home we wanted our pup to come from....pretty dog or not.

Dixie came from a home here in Knoxville. When we pulled up the street for our first meeting, the neighborhood kids were in the fence with the puppies....playing and cuddling and laughing. The puppies loved it, as did the children. Her original owner was a young man. He owned Dixie's mom. And her mom was his baby, much like Noah is my baby. He was so proud of her and wanted to show us all of her cool tricks, like how she climbed trees (that was awesome). She was a sweet dog who was used to being around people, not caged in a back yard. She loved children and was good with other dogs. There was no doubt in our mind we had found the right family!!

The day we brought Dixie home, we introduced the dogs to one another across the street from the house in an open lot. I am not sure if anyone has ever seen a 75lb. pit bull submit IMMEDIATELY to a 10 lb puppy, but that is what happen. Noah had absolutely no issues with letting this little puppy be "in charge". We laughed alot watching there roles play out. Here are some pictures from the first night we had Dixie....

She loved Noah instantly. I am not sure he felt the same way, at least not initially. And although (if he could) I am sure he would not admit it, but he loves her too!

Just like real siblings...

I am pretty sure Noah was scared here...

For the first 6 months or so...this is how she slept (when not with Noah). With her head completely cranked back. It was hilarious to see!

She always wants to sleep right beside Noah

I will not tell you we brought Dixie home and everything has been easy since then. We went through some rough times with her in the beginning. Pit bulls are very smart dogs and also stubborn. We were not completely prepared for Dixie. She tested our limits many many times. We had moments of doubt with her...something I do not like to admit. There was a time where I had thought we made a mistake by getting another dog. Thankfully, that time has passed. She's not perfect, but we would not be the same with out her. She has taught us a lot about dogs, and pits too. I have never in all my life met a sweeter dog than Dixie. And I am not just saying that because she is mine. She wants to love....ALL THE TIME! She is the best cuddler I know, loves children, and just wishes to please. We had a rocky road with her in the beginning, but it was worth the wait!

She is our sweet little girl and we look forward to many more birthdays with her!

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