Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I haven't really had an opportunity to blog since last week. I fried my work computer(although I am sure it wasn't my fault)....I think I shocked it to death(with love)...and I have been without internet and network connections during the day for almost a week. I did not realize how much I loved being connected to the world each day. It's like I am living in a hole, in the dark, with sunglasses and a mask on or living in the 80's (aaaahhhhhh)! The good news.....I am all caught up on all my non-computer related tasks (mostly). Such as- .......? The bad news....my computer still hasn't been picked up by the repair company, so who knows how long it will be before I get it back. Thankfully....my home computer has internet connections!
So...what's new?

I had a thought yesterday...randomly-
Is Carrot Top on steroids? See picture below...

What's up with him? That's just freaky!

If I never heard another word about Tiger Woods I would be happy. I think what he has done to his wife is just awful....and my heart hurts for her. But none of this, NONE OF IT, is any business of the publics. And yes yes, by being a celebrity he puts himself in the position to constantly be in the eye of the public, he's a role model and all, but give this family a break. What a mess.

The media can be a menace.

Something I took for granted- Knowing the channels on a tv. Yeah, I know...shallow yet simple. I have lived in Knoxville basically my entire life. The only time I would get confused on channels was when the network would change them. Brandon, coming from Chicago and only living in Knoxville for 4 years barely knew any channels. I was his crutch. Him- "Honey, what channel is Lifetime Movie Network" (kidding of course....but I would know it). It used to bother me a little bit, because instead of learning the channels on his own, he would ask me. How lame is that that I was even a little bit bothered by that? I would say "Husband, you need to figure them out on your own. I can't always tell you your channels". What? Why not? We had the little guide box on the screen, so it's not like I was wanting him to pull the info out of thin air (my attempt to sound like it wasn't kind of critchy of me). Recently we switched our cable provider. Now the only channels I have memorized (in two weeks) 280- The Learning Channel and 247- TBS. How sad is that? It's harsh to walk that mile in the other shoes.

It's rained for what feels like a month straight and our backyard looks like a lake. Because of this...our dogs are not able to go outside and run around. And because of this they are driving me nuts. Is this what it's like to have kids on a rainy day?

Critchy- a word Brandon uses. A combination of Crabby and Bitchy. He uses it lovingly and I generally laugh if he uses it, because it's funny.

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