Sunday, February 21, 2010

I was just thinking....

Do you have a shower routine?

Of course you do. We all do! First I do this, then I do that, and then I do this. And each day I shower I follow the same routine. At least until recently...

There is this commercial on TV that I absolutely despise. It's the one with the two young roommates. Apparently one roommate wakes up and enjoys singing annoyingly perky songs first thing in the morning. The other roommate, in contrast, does not enjoy this activity. Well...naturally, the perky roommate suggests the not so perky roommate use a facial cleanser first thing in the morning. This would, of course, cure her morning grumpiness. So grumpy girl washes her face and LOW AND BEHOLD.....she now enjoys dancing like a goof and singing annoyingly perky songs first thing in the morning.

I truly dislike this commercial. I told myself I would not buy this product, because of how much I can't stand this commercial. It reminds me of my hatred for the ASPCA commercials. I swore to myself if I ever heard Sarah Mclaughlin sing another wretchedly depressing song while they show poor animals that have been abused by idiots, I would never donate to them again. I made this promise to myself almost a year ago. And now....while we watch our beloved Office re-runs...these freaking commercials ALWAYS come on. I warned you, you will no longer get my $25. I am sure those poor puppies are missing my money. Instead, I will send my money to Bless The Bullies and Best Friends...where they don't make me feel constantly guilty. I digress....

Well...I broke down. I bought the stupid face wash. Not because I hoped it would make me want to dance and sing like a goof first thing in the morning. I had zero hopes of it making me MORE of a morning person and less of a grumpy butt. Sorry, wake up singing cute songs and ready to smile and laugh. I, on the other hand, wake up with the grace and attitude of a hungry grizzle emerging from hibernation. I bought this annoyingly advertised product because it's supposed to help you "wake-up". It actually says it on the bottle....WAKES YOU UP!

So...this is where I get back to my first few lines of this post. The face wash does not necessarily wake me up....not anymore than any other face wash. completely throws me off my shower routine. My routine being wash face, wash body, then wash hair...followed by whatever might be necessary. When I use the face wash, I go from wash face straight to wash hair. I don't know how or why I unconsciously skip wash body. I think it's payback for the dislike of their commercial. Almost every time I have used the face wash I have found my self getting ready to exit the shower and realizing I skipped an important step. My curse of the face wash! Too bad I am too cheap to just throw it away. I feel the need to finish the bottle. At the cost of possibly forgetting important shower steps! Curse that commercial and their annoying perkiness. Shhhessh.

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