This entire post is about poop, so if you would rather not read about the poop in our lives, please feel free to continue on with your day. It won't hurt my feelings. get started....
The sun is shining and the sky is clear blue. This is the first time I have had a chance to be out in the sunshine for weeks! It's a beautiful day, still chilly, but gorgeous.
You may be asking how this has any relevance to poop...well....
I am completely embarrassed to admit that Brandon and I have not picked up the dogs' poop in our yard probably since October. *awkward, embarrassed grin* We are usually much better about picking up the yard, but since our yard has been in one of three shapes all winter 1) frozen, 2) covered in snow, 3) covered in at least an inch of water; it has not seemed all that important! Please don't get me wrong, spring through fall we pick up the yard routinely.
Today is so beautiful and I wanted to be what better activity then cleaning the waste of the pups. It needs to be done and we (the dogs and I) could use the fresh air and sunshine. HA....Let's not kid ourselves...the air I was breathing was anything but fresh.
I got a kick out of the dogs while I was busy completing my most productive task all day (up until I finish this post :) Dixie followed me everywhere I went...watching me like I was crazy. Or possibly supervising me, making sure I got each pile. All the while, Noah stood on the deck staring at his trunk of toys. Probably wondering why I was wasting my time with poop when we could be playing. He was neither impressed nor interested in any of my work. I should note that our yard is still (since one of my older posts about our backyard lake) a wet, soppy mess. So...still no play time in our backyard.
Here are a couple comments this activity:
1) I am reminded how lucky I am to have a dogs with healthy tummies 90 % of the time.
2) Healthy dogs produce "healthy" waste...Our next dog should be little (although I know that will never happen).
3) We pick up after the dogs every time we are not in the backyard....we frown heavily on people who leave poop in other peoples' yards.
So...are you ready to see the picture I took? Probably not, but I took it's going up!
I know...I am ashamed! Right after I took this picture, Noah left me a little present and reminder that the "job" of cleaning the backyard is NEVER truly done! Thanks Buddy!!!
It is supposed to be even nicer tomorrow! I plan to attack the gardens we managed to ignored all winter, too. !
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