Saturday, February 27, 2010

Yay for Saturdays....

The Bice family is ready for spring! I can't wait for flowers and blooms and bees and hummingbirds! I have been doing some clearing work in the gardens we neglected all fall/winter long. They are starting to finally look like flower beds again! Now....we just need some warm weather! Here is a shot of our garden last year!

Today Brandon is attending his Carry Permit gun class. I don't know the official name of this class, but I am glad he is there. As business picks up at the scrap yard and they see more and more people, they are bound to run into a few "questionable" people. There is some relief for me to know that he has his gun and can legally carry it on the job. Plus...Brandon says carrying his gun makes him look taller!

Here is a conversation Brandon and I had this morning. He was getting ready to leave the house for his class and I was doing everything in my power to continue sleeping!
Brandon: *from the kitchen* Monkey, do you think English Muffins actually come from England?
Me: *sleepily* No, they actually come from Scotland.
Brandon: *poking his head in the bedroom* Really?
Me: *eyes still closed, but comment*
Brandon: Oh. Well, if you are in England and ask for a muffin, do you get an English Muffin?
Me: I don't know? Their buscuits are different from our buscuits, so there is no telling. It's CRAZY over there.

Just one of the million reasons why I love my husband! Random...yes. But, stuff like this makes my day!

Tonight we plan to join some friends to help our favorite "20-something twins" (not to be confused with our favorite IL twins) celebrate their birthday! So...Happy 24th Birthday Samantha and Sydney! May this next year bring you all the things you wish for! We love you both!

I love a good sunny Saturday where I can do as I please! It's a beautiful day and I have a completely open schedule....I couldn't ask for much more!

1 comment:

  1. You guys are the BEST! Thanks for the birthday love and for being there to help us celebrate. But most of all, thanks for the Shout out on your Blog!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!
