Saturday, February 13, 2010

My Sweet Valentine

My sweet, hunk of a husband, Brandon is my adorable Valentine this year and hopefully every year for the remainder of my days! I love him more and more every day...and our endless love and laughter is more than I could have ever imagined. I am grateful for my incredible husband each day, not just on Valentine's.

This year, Brandon and I decided we would not get each other gifts for Valentines Day. There was nothing either of us truly needed....I mean, we already have each other, right? We don't need gifts to prove our love for one another! In our own minds (or at least mine) we have a love that people wish for....and one I am thankful for! (Wow...cocky much?)

It was decided we would order out some dinner Saturday night, have chocolate covered strawberries (one of my favorites) and maybe exchange cards! But...not gifts!

Being sneaky, as I seem to believe I am, I came up with a way to give B something...without buying it. ( your head out of the gutter!) Since he had to work all day Saturday I decided I would clean the house. Oh...I do find myself clever! It doesn't cost me anything...and is a HUGE gift in itself! So..I cleaned the house and did laundry. Lots and lots of laundry. I am soooo glad I did this!

When Brandon got home he was so excited to see the house clean. Then...he informed me of a present he had gotten me. It was in the car. WHAT???? We said no presents...I was the only one who could break the rules (sort of)! But, I am never one to turn down a present!

I closed my eyes as he brought in my present! And guess what it was.....

Did you guess?

A new LAPTOP! WHAT??????? Wait? Really? How did we go from NO presents to a laptop. I am not complaining! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!

You see, this is a pretty normal problem (if you can call it that) of Brandon's. We say no presents, he gets me something incredible. We set limits...he disregards them. Two Christmases ago we decided on a $50 limit for one other. I got B a few items of relevance, but stayed within the budget. He opened his gift...and was pleased. I opened mine to find my now beloved Nikkon greatest gift ever and probably most favorite personal item, outside of my wedding band and engagement ring.

I suppose setting limits or non-gift expectations should no longer be an option in my mind! Thank you Brandon! I love the laptop and can't wait to be so super trendy using it in places other than our computer room. For instance, as I type this blog...I am sitting at our kitchen counter! WAHOO!!!

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