Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I like roller coasters...

The mixture of excitement and nervousness has me rolled into a big ball of giddy. I feel like a child on Christmas morning (honestly). Brandon and I have experienced all of the major emotions that go along with attempting to get pregnant, finding out there is an issue, and the waiting and guessing that goes along with finding a solution. It's like we have been on some crazy baby roller coaster. We are both ready for that rush..and the feeling of our stomachs dropping long before our bodies do as we scream down the hill. But right now, we are making the steady climb and our car is slowly clicking up the big hill. One click at a time we get closer to the top, and our excitement is building up with each click.

Tomorrow we have our consultation/introductory meeting with our IVF specialist. We will learn (hopefully) what is in store for us in the coming months. We will learn what to expect both physically and financially, and what our possible outcomes may be (obviously, we really hope all of this leads to a baby). I have been waiting for this appointment for months. Seriously....MONTHS...just to find out some details. We won't even begin our "process" until next year, but there is something so soothing about having answers. They may not be ALL the answer, but SOME...that's enough for now.

I absolutely can not wait. Tomorrow will be a milestone for us! A relief for me (regardless of what we learn) and the beginning of something so new and long awaited for our little family. And when we do finally reach the top of our hill and our roller coaster starts to plummet downward like a speeding bullet....I will have my hands in the air and my eyes open. I plan to drink in every second. I don't want to miss a thing!

UPDATE: The excited nervousness has turned into nerves alone. I will be leaving the office in 30 minutes and all of a sudden the nerves are hitting hard. It's weird to me that I am feeling mixed emotions..and not the ones I expected. Right now, I am scared and feel like crying (I think that's just the nerves). Fingers crossed for something we can handle.....


  1. I'm sure everything is going to go fine. You two have been waiting for this WAY too long. Good luck!

  2. Thanks Adam! That means a lot to us!
