Monday, May 24, 2010

Come on, give this chubby girl a break

How is it possible that one week from today will be the last day of May? How is it possible that my family vacation is now less than 4 weeks away? Remember when I told myself I was going to really look great this year at the beach? You were there, right? Remember? Hmmmm....silly sure is sly when it sneaks up on me like that.

I guess I am slightly over doing this (who me?...No?). I have lost about 13 pounds (I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but when you are 5 ft 4 adds up). And...I am pretty sure I will be just about where I want to be in time for the beach.

But, you know what doesn't help this chubby girl??? The ice cream man(I think he's communist). In the freaking truck. Playing that annoying song. He stalks me at work. He stalks me at home. And now....(dramatic pause)....he is stalking me at the PARK where I RUN! What kind of a sick individual drives around where people are exercising, throwing delicious sprinkle-covered temptation directly into their faces?

I mean, sure...there are tons of kids at the park, and this guy is making a killing, but my self control, which is already practically non-existant is really wearing thin and he is driving that truck full of cold chocoalte goodies straight into my flabby arms. And quickly moving this chubby girl towards a moo-moo cover up on the beach! Come on, Self Control, hang in there....

Blasted ice cream are not welcome here! At least not until after my summer which point, please don't forget where I run! I will be waiting.

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