Friday, May 7, 2010

For my mom.....

This Sunday is Mother's Day. If you are reading this and were not aware.....SHAME *disgraced head nod and finger pointed in your direction*

Mother's Day......
The way I see it, mom's should be honored more often than once a year. Although I am not a mother, yet, I am surround by mothers everyday. The unwavering love of a mom is untouchable. Moms love you through all of the struggles, highs and lows. My mom still loves me...she stuck it out through my teens, when life as my mother must have been hard. I look back at some of my lows....and trust me, it definitely had to be hard for her. I wasn't always the angel I am now (wink, wink)!

Moms get walked on, overlooked, taken advantage of, drained dry and constantly bothered; yet they turn around and welcome you with open arms. As a young adult I was not aware of how lucky I was to have my mom. I am hoping this is natural, and I was not the only ungrateful teenager out there. But, it's true...I was not a model daughter (and still am not...although trying to get better). When I was a young child I was ALWAYS told "you look just like your mother". I remember thinking..I am nothing like my mom. But, I was wrong. I look more and more like my mom every day. I act more and more like her all the time. We have mannerisms, gestures, and even sayings that are so in-sync it's almost scary. As a child I would have been mortified (like all children), but as an adult...I am thankful! Thankful to have had a woman who showed me strength, love, patience, and humor. I am thankful to have had such an incredible role model...someone who would claim me no matter my actions, even when as a child, I may not have been willing to do the same. My mom was a working mom who managed a career....and a accomplishment that still amazes me.

But, most of all, she never stops being my mother. She doesn't necessarily have to "take care" of me the way she did when I was a child, but...I will always be her baby. To this day, I still call her when I am sick...and it makes me feel better. My favorite part....She's not just my mom, now she's my friend. And that means the world to me!

Thank you to all the moms out there who put themselves second so their child could thrive. Thank you for understanding and loving your children, even when it was the hardest thing you had to do. And thank you, always, for molding and shaping our futures! We are grateful....even if we don't always let you know!

Mom- I could never possibly get close to SAYING how much I love you. There just aren't words for that. But, I hope you will know how much you have meant to me over the years. Thank you for being the woman I want to be! And thank you for taking on the hardest job ever....being a mommy! I love you always!

Happy Mother's Day!

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