Sunday, May 16, 2010

This weekend in May...all over the place blog

Do you remember when you were a kid and you got a new pair of shoes? And of course, that meant you could run faster and possibly even jump higher? Or was that just me?

Intro new fitted jet packs:

I have not had the chance to test out my theory of running faster (like I really need to test that) or jumping higher, as it's raining today, but I have every intention of wooing people with my athletic abilities tomorrow! Thanks B!

A good friend of mine, Samantha, recently moved into a new condo/townhouse! This is her first time on her own and owning her own home! I decided that for a housewarming gift I would help her put her gardens together. For anyone who has ever had to start their own flower can be a real pain in the butt. Having someone who is willing to help (my mom at our house) makes a big difference. I am not really sure Samantha was as excited as I was, but I think we had a good time. It was A LOT of hard work, all day long, in 86 degree weather....but the hard work paid off!

Samantha's gardens before:

Samantha's garden after:

Friday night we enjoyed an evening among royalty (practically). Brandon and I were invited to join friends in Box Seats at the Tennessee Smokies Baseball game. I am not going to lie, my life has changed. I just don't think I can go back to mingling with the public in their general, one priced seating areas. High class living (although very short lived) has changed me. Call me a snob, but who while all those fans were getting soaked by the pouring rains....we were high and dry, and enjoying comfortable couches in air conditioning. I think these box seats may have created a monster in me. I might need an intervention.....or a move up in the tax brackets. reality, I don't think I could fit in with the "riches"....I stick out like a sore thumb and anytime something went wrong or (God forbid) missing...they would look directly to me. Why? I have a guilty face! Which translate to- I look poor!

You be the we look high class?

Three weeks ago today I got a sunburn that was probably the worst I have ever experienced. That is truly saying a lot, as I am pale, even by Irish standards. I have experienced many 'a sunburn in my lifetime...and this one was BAD. About a week ago (two weeks after the burn) I stared peeling...which is totally normal. But, here I am, 3 weeks after the initial burn and experiencing ITCHING like I have never known before. No more peeling, simply itching all over my back. Have I done some kind of permanent damage to the nerves or am I experiencing some allergy to over exposure to the sun? All I know is I can't take much more of this. I thought I was going to claw my skin raw last night...finally two benadryl later and waking my husband at 1AM to apply yet another layer of lotion...I was able to rest. I would never be a good meth addict (like there is such a thing), I would never be able to handle the itching and "bugs" under the skin. This is good to know, because up until now, I was really teetering that line....take meth or not to take meth. I have my answer! (That's a joke, mom and dad...I was never really considering it....after I learned what it did to your teeth. <-- Kidding)

And finally.....
A quick update on the Inglorious Batters, our co-ed softball team. So far this season we have:
-Won one. No...that's no typo...
-Lost five. Ouch
-Almost had one fight with a female player on the other team (and a male player on our team).
-Almost had altercations with officials and their "calls"
But...we are still having fun! We have a great team (personality wise) and we all get along...for the most part. And although we have only won one game, we are considering entering the tournament...just to extend our season and socializing...because trust me, it's not because we are going for first! GO Batters!

1 comment:

  1. First of all... my gardens look incredible and it is all because of you friend! Thank you so much for all your love and support, thru thick, thin, and just plan ridiculous. You are a good friend and I loves "lil Bice"!!!

    Secondly... you didn't stick out like the poor kid at the Smokies game! WTH?!?! You just looked less fortunate than the rest of us. But no worries, nothing was stolen and you will DEFINITELY be invited back bud!

    Now then... Onto the Memorial Day weekend and the LAKE!!!! YAHOO! I CAN'T WAIT!
