Wednesday, May 5, 2010

You are lying.....

Or not.

When Brandon and I first met (and I fell deeply in love) he told me his birthday was May 7th. I laughed. And thought, for a brief instant he was either a)joking or b) a stalker.

These are not the normal thoughts I have after a potential beau tells me his birthday. The only reason I reacted this way is because I, too, was born on May 7th.

Yep...we share a birthday. Obviously (obviously) he is much, much older. Four years older to be, no worries, we aren't some kind of weird twins seperated at birth only to reunite and fall into the sickest love ever. Nope...we are all good here.

I like telling people we have the same birthday because it's generally pretty weird. I don't know any other couples (although I am sure they exist) that share a birthday.

I never would have guessed I would have found my perfect match in another Taurus. I am proud of my zodiac sign and the generalized (and mostly hogwashed) personality traits that come along with a Taurus. I know several Taurus and I can not imagine being paired off with a single one of them. I think Brandon and I are our own exception to the rule. this house...we put up with a lot of bull! And it works!

Happy Birthday Brandon! I love you and all your bull-ness! You are indeed my perfect match!

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