Thursday, December 9, 2010

Your "stuff" is in the mail

This morning I called the doctors office and let them know Brandon and I were prepared to start our IVF process in January. When we went to meet our doctor and had our consultation a couple of months ago, they told us to call approximately one month before we were ready to get the process rolling (we are about a month away). The receptionist informed me she would order my "stuff" and let me know once that was taken care of.

I was nervous to make that phone call this morning. I was supposed to call yesterday, but put it off another day because I couldn't bring myself to sit still long enough, gather my thoughts, and dial the phone. It makes me giddy to think that this time next month we could be counting down days and marking them off our calendar (not that I don't do that now). At the same time I am surprised that it took me 24 hours to dial a phone. I have stared at Wednesday, December 8th on my calendar for several weeks. Stared at the highlighted words that read "Contact Dr to get squared away for 01/11". For several weeks I looked at those words, knowing that was the day that I would officially say "Let's get this ball rolling"....yet it still took me a little extra time to make the call.

So I told the receptionist we were ready. She informed me they would order my "stuff" and they would call me back once that was done. My "stuff". My stuff. I don't even remember what my stuff will consist of....but I can't wait for it to come in. Like a late Christmas present, this stuff will bring us the hope of our own family. This time next year this stuff may result in a baby on the way. We have waited so long (feels like forever for me), I am praying for continued patience. I know we can make it one more month. Now I will wait for the phone call that says our "stuff" has arrived. While we wait, I will be grateful for the hope that will arrive along with our "stuff". close I can practically touch it. We are ready for the new year and for all the changes we know it brings our lives.

Also...I promise this isn't a blog about infertility, but it is a blog about our lives....and this is what eats up a lot of us right now. If you don't like the infertility posts, I apologize....but be prepared for more of them in the coming months as our lives venture farther down this path.

*Our Stuff- this will probably consist of hormone shots and birth control and whatever other goodies they plan to pump into my body over the next couple of months.

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for you everyday Lauren! I pray that the IVF is a success because you are going to be an amazing mother! I love reading your post everyday! Please keep us all updated. I can't wait to read the post that says you and Brandon are going to be parents!! It will happen soon sweetie, I promise! I love and miss you and I pray for you all the time!
