Monday, February 7, 2011

Your breath is not fresh

I hate to feel rushed. Especially out in public. I stopped at Walgreen's this afternoon to get a few items. While waiting in line the guy behind me must have decided to smell my shampoo or something, because I swear he was less than two inches from me. I get so aggravated by that. What happened to respecting people's personal space?

After the cashier rang me up and gave me my change, he practically pushed me out the door. It takes women (and probably some men) at least a few seconds to put the money back in our wallets and the wallets back in our purses. Please don't rush me. I wasn't in his way, he just had no boundaries and was pleased to be all up in mine.

I could possibly look past this had he been an elderly or older man or woman. I like old people and as long as they aren't breathing on me or pinching my cheeks (or other body parts) I am perfectly fine with sharing some personal space. But, he was not. He was in his thirties (I assume) and clearly should have known better. He probably should have also been aware of my recent hormonal medications and instinctively stayed back at least 3 feet.

Shessh. Some people. You don't have to put lots of distance between you and the next person, but if I can guess what tooth paste you use because you are breathing down my neck....back it up. Because the next hormonal lady may not be quite as nice.

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