Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How a fever almost ruined 4 weeks of preparations

Mid-January Brandon and I started our long awaited process leading to our IVF procedure. At first it was simple enough with medications. Then slowly shots were added. At this point I am a professional self-shot-giver. Sure...there are a few bruises here and there, but I think that's from laziness in technique! Then, we added more shots. These shots go in my lower back (which is just a nice way of saying upper butt). Although the shots themselves don't necessarily hurt (at least not every time), they go directly in the muscle, leaving the muscle sore and me walking a little delicately!

The point of all this is.....we were scheduled to have our egg retrieval next week. Things were going smoothly and just as planned.

Then I got sick on Monday. I didn't have the flu. I didn't have strep throat. But I had a fever. A nasty fever that I couldn't seem to control or get rid of. And apparently fevers can sometimes be harmful to producing healthy eggs, which is what I have been doing for the past month with medications and shots.

When my doctor told me this might be a problem I think my heart skipped a beat. I was terrified. We had been so patient (most of the time) and waited our turn. If we had to postpone our procedure I was going to be heartbroken. Period.

Thankfully (so thankfully), I had my blood work drawn today and everything seems good to go. As of right now we are scheduled to have our egg retrieval and transfer next week. Although I may never be able to fully describe the pain and sadness that comes with infertility, for the first time in so long Brandon and I get to experience the excitement that comes along with potentially starting our family. An excitement we will never take for granted.

Our journey started nearly two years ago and it's so hard to believe that this time next week the "hard part", as Brandon puts it, will be over. I laugh at that, because in my eyes....the "hard part" will be just beginning.

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