Friday, February 18, 2011

Eggs anyone?

Today I had another ultrasound and this was the beautiful sight I got to see.....

THESE ARE EGGS.....NOT BABIES (please don't get excited...unless you just love to get excited about eggs)

Please note this is not a picture of my actual ovary with eggs. If these were my eggs they would look a lot more like me!

BUT.....My eggs are looking good and big (big is what we want) and healthy! Brandon and I go back to the doctor on Sunday (yep, Sunday) for a quick ultrasound and reassurance that all is well. week (Tuesday or Wednesday) we will retrieve those perfectly plumped eggs from my ovaries and proceed to make baby Bice's. This time next week we will be done with retrieval and getting ready to head into the embryo transfer. Which means by the second week of March.....we will know if it was successful!

Goooooo eggs!


  1. Yay! GO EGGS! I've been thinking about y'all - will keep you (all of you-eggs included) in my prayers! I know y'all will be amazing parents.

  2. Thanks Amy! Tomorrow is the big day and we are so excited!
